Most Viewed Jokes
If you have a cat, you know how awesome they can be. Left to their own devices, cats can pretty much get away with doing anything. And in this case, that includes yoga poses. This awesome GIF shows a trained yoga professional doing an extremely intricate yoga pose. And then you see an amazing cat doing pretty much the same thing. It’s awesome.
This Cat Is Really Good at Yoga

Funny Blind Man Joke: A woman is just getting out of the shower when there’s a knock at the door. She doesn’t have a towel at hand so she shouts, “Who is it?” “It’s the blind man” Realising the towel no longer matters, she opens the door. The blind man says, “Nice tits, love. Where do you want the blinds?” Check out more funny jokes!
Funny: The Blind Man Joke
This Eddie Murphy Rocky scene from Raw is hilarious. Eddie’s take on Italians after they have seen the movie Rocky is so spot on, it’s still funny to this day. Because let’s face it, it’s true. Italians are proud people, and Rocky is their hero. The Italian Stallion who came out of nowhere to win the heavyweight championship as a heavily favored underdog. So, of course, after an Italian walks out of the movie theater having just seen Rocky, they are strutting around like a peacock and screaming “Alright Rocko!” “Alright Sly!” at the top of their lungs. And then
Eddie Murphy Rocky Scene from Raw

I think we can all agree that while human selfies are bad, cat selfies are kind of amazing. So to give you less of the bad stuff in the world and more of the good stuff, here’s a fun gallery of funny pictures of cats taking selfies of themselves. We didn’t even know they knew how to work a camera. We thought most cats just laid around and waited for someone else to take a photo of them. Check out more funny pictures! This gallery has it all, really. Morning cats, cats at angles, cats too close. We’re not sure
Cat Selfies Are Better Than Your Selfies

Everybody loves a good bloody mary…especially for Sunday brunch (though we have been known to order one when we get a wild hare on certain nights). While tons of bars around the world try to compete for the “best garnishes” award, nobody does it quite as well as a bar in Milwaukee called Sobelmans Pub & Grill. Their claim to fame so far has been the “Bloody Masterpiece” (pictured below) which has a total of 13 garnishes which include a brussel sprout, celery, onion, mushroom, cherry tomato, lemon, pickle, shrimp, sausage, cheese, olive, green onion & asparagus AND a Bacon Cheeseburger slider. Phew.
Is This the Best Bloody Mary Garnish EVER?