Most Viewed Jokes
We’ve seen quite a few funny facebook status updates in our day, and it feels like the more friends we get the more we find. What is it about facebook that makes people say the stupidest or smartest things? We’ve written our share of clunkers, but we WISH we wrote these super funny facebook status updates instead. We’ll keep posting more funny facebook status updates as we find them, but in the meantime enjoy these zingers! This hangover feels like Quentin Tarantino directed it. I finally found a diet plan that works. It’s called “The
Hilarious Facebook Status Updates: Part 1

What happens when you mistake your mouth for a cereal bowl? Well, if you’re like this girl who posted a Vine of a friend pouring cereal and milk into her mouth, you spit it all up in what might be the best cereal bowl mouth vine. While we’d like to think this clever girl invented the best way to never have to wash a cereal bowl again, this trend was made popular on Vine last year. Suffice to say since then lots of young, cereal-loving folks have tried to conquer the beast known as milk. Sadly, nobody has won yet. Except
You’ll Never Look at Cereal the Same Way Again

The Eddie Murphy Raw marriage bit may be the best bit in this entire stand up special. And that’s saying something because Raw is one of the funniest stand up specials in the history of comedy. But this scene is amazing. Eddie has decided that it’s time to get married. He found the love of his life, until he’s at the grocery store and sees a tabloid with a sad Johnny Carson and a happy ex-wife who had gotten half of his money. Half! Since Johnny Carson had $300 million he had to give $150 to his now ex-wife. Half!
Eddie Murphy Raw Marriage Video

These labels—whether they’re just being honest, were improperly placed, or are purposely sarcastic–are just downright funny. And who thought labels could even be funny?! Well, we were proven wrong. Scroll though this gallery of funny labels and prepare to laugh. From the TOO honest food label that says “Bee Vomit” to the really poorly placed label on a book about cooking with your dog to the pills that suggest if you’re overweight to simple “lose weight!,” there are some real gems in this gallery What’s great about some of these honest labels is that they’re clearly made by
If Labels Were Honest

Funny: My Friends Call Me Bubba Joke A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he glanced up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realized she was heading straight towards his seat… As fate would have it, she took the seat right beside his. Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out, “Business trip or pleasure?” She turned, smiled and said, “Business. I’m going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston” He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen sitting next to