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How to Talk To Girls – A Survival Guide Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

Not sure how to talk to girls? Well, let this handy dandy chart help you in the fine art of speaking to the fairer sex. We’re not being sexist here, (because we could show you a chart that also shows you how to talk to men, but it might be a little simpler) but there are ways of speaking to people that just steer the conversation in a much more, how do we say this, positive direction. As you can see in this how to talk to girls chart you can see that the first thing you say to someone

How to Talk To Girls – A Survival Guide

Not sure how to talk to girls? Well, let this handy dandy chart help you in the fine art of speaking to the fairer sex. We’re not being sexist here, (because we could show you a chart that also shows you how to talk to …
Watch This Hamster Shove Food Into Cheeks Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Watching this hamster eat is one of the great joys in life. In a preview for BBC One’s Wild at Heart, we get to watch an incredible video of how a hamster eats. It’s really insane and totally worth the view. What’s so crazy about watching this hamster is that you learn just how much food they can eat. An x-ray shows that the food they ingest can stretch all the way back to their hips. After the hamster is totally full he then typically carries his favorite treat back home with him. Once there, he then starts the disgorging

Watch This Hamster Shove Food Into Cheeks

Watching this hamster eat is one of the great joys in life. In a preview for BBC One’s Wild at Heart, we get to watch an incredible video of how a hamster eats. It’s really insane and totally worth the view. What’s so crazy about …
The Most Awesome Product Inventions Ever Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

Take opening a beer bottle. It’s all exciting and stuff but when you go to open it and crack open that delicious beer, a second later you are met with the reality of having to throw out the cap. And you’re never usually near a garbage can, right? Or what about when you’re trying to sleep with your arm under a pillow and you can never get it quite right? Well, in this collection of awesome products there’ s a solution for that. There also a solution for corn on the cob, hanging your towels, a long extension cord, gross

The Most Awesome Product Inventions Ever

Take opening a beer bottle. It’s all exciting and stuff but when you go to open it and crack open that delicious beer, a second later you are met with the reality of having to throw out the cap. And you’re never usually near a …
Most Ridiculous Beer Names of All Time Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

  Forget about Miller and Budweiser. Crazy beer names are becoming more and more popular for those who like a different kind of brew. Crazy beer names like Buttface Amber Ale and Santa’s Butt are lining the shelves, and it’s not just silly fraternity guys who are drinking them. These crazy beer names are created not just by jokesters but by talented brewers who just happen to have a sense of humor. If you’re going to crack open a cold one, why not have it be a bottle that will also make you crack up? Once you start looking for

Most Ridiculous Beer Names of All Time

  Forget about Miller and Budweiser. Crazy beer names are becoming more and more popular for those who like a different kind of brew. Crazy beer names like Buttface Amber Ale and Santa’s Butt are lining the shelves, and it’s not just silly fraternity guys …
Funny Church Signs Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

Funny church signs are pretty rare (kind of like those Virgin Mary and Jesus silhouettes found on pieces of toast), but when you do spot one you can’t help but pull over, take a photo, and laugh all the way to the Internet where you immediately post said funny church sign on Facebook to share with your friends. The funny church signs in this gallery are beyond hilarious. In fact, they’re so funny we have to take a moment and pray to thank the powers that be for letting this funny church signs come into existence. They’re like a comedy

Funny Church Signs

Funny church signs are pretty rare (kind of like those Virgin Mary and Jesus silhouettes found on pieces of toast), but when you do spot one you can’t help but pull over, take a photo, and laugh all the way to the Internet where you …