Most Viewed Jokes
This video of YouTube star Joe Weller acting out WWE moves on his girlfriend (and her twin?!) is pretty amazing. Even in the pool that had to be exhausting!! Kudos to the girls for playing along!!!
Guy Busts Awesome WWE Moves on Girlfriend

This kid gave the best preschool graduation speech ever. Not only is is short and sweet. But it’s short and awesome. The kid’s name is Jathan Muhar and he knows exactly what he wants. While most graduation speeches are long winded celebrities talking about things they’ve learned and passing on helpful tips to get through life that usually don’t do anyone any good in the long run, Jathan Muhar decided to go a different route. Instead of going on and on about what people should and shouldn’t do with their lives, and giving graduation quotes that people have probably heard 100
The Best Preschool Graduation Speech Ever

Do you ever think your dog looks like…well, something other than your dog? These owners did and we can really see the resemblance! From a lion to a mop to chicken fingers to a panda and even Richard Branson and Harrison Ford, it’s no wonder these owners think their dog looks like something or somebody else! There are some really adorable photos of every kind of dog out there, and each one seems to be cuter than the next. I have to say I really think I like the dogs who look like people the best. I mean, the Richard
13 Dogs That Look Like Someone (or Something) Else

Louis CK quotes can be a guide to how to lead your life. Louis CK is one of the greatest comedians in the comedy game today and is making himself one of the most important comedians of all time. Between his show Louis on FX, his appearances in movies and his epic stand up archive, he has a collection of some of the best quotes since George Carlin. Sit back, relax and let the life lessons of these Louis CK quotes wash over you. I ate too much and masturbated too recently, you know? It’s bad to like jerk
31 Epically Awesome Louis CK Quotes

Yes. Roommate shaming is a thing and we have to say we really, really, like it. In case you weren’t familiar with dog shaming, it’s where owners put confessions on a piece of paper and hold them up in front of the dog before taking a photo and posting it for all the world to see. There is also kid shaming/baby shaming which is equally as awesome. But roommate shaming has taken it to a whole other level. Mostly because if you’ve ever had a roommate you know just how irritating they can be. From leaving a pizza in
Roommate Shaming is the New Dog Shaming