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Hilarious Wrong Number Texts Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

  You know that feeling when you call or text someone only to find out you’ve dialed the wrong number? That’s what happened times 10 for these hilarious wrong number texts. What’s so amazing about these wrong number texts is the number of times people send totally ridiculous photos of themselves to people who end up being strangers. How embarrassing is that?! We would be mortified, which is why we never send compromising photos of ourselves. Duh. You’ll love the photos in this hilarious wrong number texts gallery. There are so many photos of butts and muscles that we don’t

Hilarious Wrong Number Texts

  You know that feeling when you call or text someone only to find out you’ve dialed the wrong number? That’s what happened times 10 for these hilarious wrong number texts. What’s so amazing about these wrong number texts is the number of times people …
Best Arrested Development Quotes Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Quotes Uncategorized ,,

  There are so many great Arrested Development quotes that it’s hard to put a list together—there’s way too many to choose from! And considering there are now four hilarious seasons of the show on Netflix, I’m sure we’ll have even more as we re-watch them. But in the meantime, these are a few of our favorite Arrested Development quotes that we think deserve top billing as some of the funniest quotes ever. After you’ve gone through these hilarious Arrested Development quotes, check out our lists of even more Funny Quotes! Great, so now we don’t have a car or

Best Arrested Development Quotes

  There are so many great Arrested Development quotes that it’s hard to put a list together—there’s way too many to choose from! And considering there are now four hilarious seasons of the show on Netflix, I’m sure we’ll have even more as we re-watch …
Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive from Back to School is one of the all-time greatest scenes from any comedy. Rodney Dangerfield plays Thorton Melon, a successful business man who goes back to school at his son’s college when he sees his son having a hard time at school. Everybody at the college loves Thorton Melon, and while he thinks he can buy his way into having good grades, he learns by the end of the movie that college takes dedication and actual studying. Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive from Back to School is one of my favorite scenes from the

Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive

Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive from Back to School is one of the all-time greatest scenes from any comedy. Rodney Dangerfield plays Thorton Melon, a successful business man who goes back to school at his son’s college when he sees his son having a hard …
16 Super Funny Greeting Card Fails Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

You know a greeting card fail when you see one, and these 16 examples definitely qualify. We won’t call out any greeting card manufacturer in particular (we would NEVER do that, right?!), but some of these are just downright weird, not to mention inappropriate. Now granted, a lot of these greeting card fails are a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the other ones? You know which ones you are. You guys are just crazy, man. Take a look at these greeting card fails and prepare to have a good laugh. Some of them

16 Super Funny Greeting Card Fails

You know a greeting card fail when you see one, and these 16 examples definitely qualify. We won’t call out any greeting card manufacturer in particular (we would NEVER do that, right?!), but some of these are just downright weird, not to mention inappropriate. Now …
Crazy Animals Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

Do you know your crazy animal hybrids? We did some digging around the internet and found a whole slew of crazy animal hybrids we never knew about and thought we’d share them with you. It turns out there are a ton of them out there. While some of these are not hybrids per se but are instead just out-of-the-ordinary looking, it’s crazy to see how animals have evolved over the years, either through nature’s doing or through breeding. And it turns out there are some crazy animal breeds out there! From a pink fairy armadillo, liger, grolar bear, naked mole

Crazy Animals

Do you know your crazy animal hybrids? We did some digging around the internet and found a whole slew of crazy animal hybrids we never knew about and thought we’d share them with you. It turns out there are a ton of them out there. …