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You gotta hand it to MTV reality TV’s Farrah Abraham…the Teen Mom star is not afraid to let it all hang out there. In addition to debuting in her first porn last year as well as creating an extremely popular PornHub page, Farrah Abraham recently went on Twitter to debut her latest plastic surgery endeavor: brand new lips. Farrah Abraham posted photos of the results of the surgery, lip implant to give the mom “fuller” lips. Unfortunately the results are horrible, and make her look more like a cartoon character than a supermodel. Thankfully Farrah Abraham recognizes this, as she posted a picture of herself alongside Leela
Farrah Abraham Shows Off Her Completely Botched Lip Injections

If you’re Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Skrillex or any of the other thousands of celebrities who use Twitter every single day to not only promote their upcoming movies, music, TV show or God knows what, you have to be careful. The thing about celebrities is that they have more followers than you. So when they make an idiotic tweet that makes them look like a real moron, or if they just make a totally understandable typo, it’s going to get blown up bigger than anything a non-celebrity. And even if they delete it immediately, someone, somewhere has taken a screengrab
The 50 Worst Celebrity Tweet Fails

Funny bathroom graffiti is an often under appreciated and almost lost art. The graffiti artist who marks the walls where we do our business and gives us a little humor to help us pass the time as we lighten life’s loads is losing out to today’s technology. Whether it’s a drawing, a quote or an insult about a previous drawing on a stall wall, we should not look down on the guy who spends his time doodling on public property (unless its the first image below, tagging doesn’t count, but the guy who put the pseudo-museum card next to it
15 Photos of Funny Bathroom Graffiti

These funny scary pictures are definitely a sight for ALL eyes. It’s a tradition that every year the good folks at Nightmares Fear Factory in Niagara Falls, Canada release photos from inside their now infamous factory. It’s a moment that some of these people probably want to forget, but for those of us who enjoy funny scary pictures, nothing beats these! These funny scary pictures of people inside the Nightmares Fear Factory are taken at the exact moment that they are deliberately scared the $%*# out of. As you can see from almost all of the reactions, it must be
35 Funny Haunted House Photos

Funny bumper stickers seem to be a bit of a rare thing these days, and we’re not sure why. When we were growing up we used to love having funny bumper stickers adorn our car and we used to love reading them on other people’s cars even more. What happened to those days? Whatever it is, we don’t like it and we want to bring back the funny bumper sticker! While we wait for the day that funny bumper stickers are again a dime a dozen, we’ll settle for a gallery of the best funny bumper stickers EVER. You got
46 Really Funny Bumper Stickers