Most Viewed Jokes
Laws are, for the most part, there to protect us as a society. But what about all those dumb laws out there that are STILL on the books, and nobody knows why (or how)? In case you’ve ever wondered what a dumb law looks like, we’ve compiled a list of state’s DUMBEST laws for your satisfaction. And if you happen to live in in one of the states that these dumb laws exist in, don’t say we never warned you! Behold, a look at the weirdest laws you might ever see. Click through and enjoy their craziness! In Alabama
Dumb Laws Still On the Books in the United States

If you’re a mom you know just how weird kids can be. So it’s not surprising that ALL of you would have at least one mom confession, detailing the strangest things your kids have done. To prove it, we provide Exhibit A: Confessions (given anonymously) by guests at the Pump & Dump comedy show (hosted by Shayna Ferm and her coach MC Doula). The mom notes show a wide array of strange and weird things their kids have done. From pooping in a pool to pooping on the carpet and everything in between, these notes show that no parent’s life
Moms Confess the Weirdest Things Their Kids Have Ever Done

Honestly, all we want to say to these cute animals in sweaters is “STOP!!! YOUR CUTENESS IS KILLING US.” Sometimes we can’t take the cuteness of adorable animal galleries. And this gallery of animals in sweaters is no exception. Please…someone take these sweaters off of them immediately before we succumb to cuteness overload. It’s all fun and games with these pigs, ducks, rabbits, snakes, and even ferrets, until you put a hand-knit wool sweater on them and then all bets are off. How are people supposed to contain themselves? It’s a cuteness epidemic!1 We’re guessing the owners of these
Animals in Sweaters Are So Cute It Hurts

With so many comedy specials out there, it’s hard to know what’s the best standup on Netflix today. Well, we’ve done the VERY hard work for you and picked out our favorite comedy specials on Netflix today. From Louis C.K. to George Carlin and Eddie Murphy, it’s hard to hard to decipher what constitutes the best standup comedy on Netflix but we tried our best. Check out our selections below! Russell Peters: Notorious Year Released: 2013 Russell Peters is comedy’s latest golden child, bringing in a whopping $21 million doing stand-up comedy in 2013. That is more money than comedic masters
Best Standup on Netflix

We love the “Reason My Kid is Crying” photo sensation. Mostly because it illustrates just how ridiculous and funny kids can really be when something doesn’t go their way. In this “Reason My Kid is Crying” photo gallery, parents have taken photos of their kids crying, and added text to the photo explaining what happened at that very moment that made their child cry. The reasons are terrifying, enlightening, and hilarious at the same time. It never fails that the “Reason My Kid is Crying” is going to be a totally ridiculous one. From Skype freezing while talking to grandma
Hilarious Reasons Why These Kids Were Crying