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If you’re lucky, at least once in your life you’ll drive a hilariously inappropriate business name, stop the car, get out and take a photo, and change your Facebook profile photo to it IMMEDIATELY because it’s just that FUNNY. That’s clearly what happened to the people who took these photos of super funny business names. And thank god they did. The super funny business names make me think that the owners either have a really wicked sense of humor, or they are so ignorant to anything dirty that their mind is clearly not in the gutter like ours are. I
47 Hilariously Inappropriate Business Names

These top 15 funniest prom proposals – or promposals as they are called – are kind of impossible to say no to. You have to hand it to these kids who have decided not to mail it in when it comes to asking their significant other, or plain old crush to the prom. We’re not sure how many of these funniest prom proposals were successful, but it would be a crime if it wasn’t 100% of them. I know high school is a tough place where the cliques and the bullies are brutal, but c’mon, how could you say no
The Top 15 Funniest Prom Proposals

Funny yearbook quotes have become a sort of rite of passage for graduating Seniors, and we couldn’t be happier. Sure, students could go the more serious route and put an inspirational quote for their graduating class, but what’s the point of making them feel inspired when you can make them laugh until they cry? This collection of funny yearbook quotes contains some of the best ones we’ve ever seen. And we’re even noticing patterns that are starting to emerge in these funny yearbook quotes. You’ve got your dumb blonde jokes, rapper jokes, religious jokes, gamer jokes, sexist jokes,
105 Funny Yearbook Quotes

There are few things funnier to look at than dogs with eyebrows. I’m not sure what it is that adding something so simple as a couple of well drawn, or posted eyebrows to a dog’s face that completely changes their expressions. Dogs can go from happy to sad to intrigued to casual to hopeful with just the quick addition of a couple of well-place eyebrows. I’m not sure who’s idea it was to stick a couple of eyebrows on their dog, but whoever it was is a genius. And before you start to get concerned, none of the dogs in
20 Hilarious Dogs With Eyebrows

Getting an ex text can be a good or bad thing. It’s good if you actually want them back and aren’t completely ready to kill them, or it can be a bad thing if they broke your heart and you want nothing to do with them but set all the clothes they left at your house on fire. Usually it’s the latter, and when people get ex texts it can bring up some pretty bad memories. But, from those bad memories and resentment can cause some pretty funny and awesome responses to ex texts, like the ones in this gallery.
39 Amazing Texts from Exes