Most Viewed Jokes
If you have a dog then you probably know by now that they have absolutely no idea what personal space is. They will jump on your arms, legs, back, face, and head just to get attention. It’s adorable, but it can also be slightly frustrating…especially if you have a dog that weighs more than 10 pounds. While it can definitely test your patience, it is also super cute to watch as a dog climbs onto you and snuggles. After all, they just want to be loved and hugged and, well, fed. Don’t forget that part, since that is most likely
These Dogs Have No Idea What Personal Space Is

Here are a few Bobcat Goldthwait Characters, Zed is my personal favorite.
Bobcat Goldthwait Characters

These funny police reports make us both love and hate humanity. Mostly we love you crazy people, though, because these funny police reports are definitely making us chuckle this Monday. Reading these funny police reports makes you realize that not only are some people completely insane, but they’re also completely insane. Oh, did we say that already? Well, it bears repeating…because some of these people are insane! There’s the woman who thought her mail was stolen because she didn’t receive any birthday cards (seriously?!), and the person who called in a squirrel that was acting funny and the police officer
Funny Police Reports

Dogs are awesome. But funny dog gifs are even awesomer (awesomer is a word, right?) So we put together this collection of dogs, in gif form, being hilarious. Whether they are smelling the wrong part of another dog, stealing food from their pals or just being fools, these funny dog gifs are guaranteed to make you forget all about LOLCats. And why don’t dogs run the Internet? They’re way better than cats when it comes to being completely hilarious idiots. Whoever made cats the kings of the Internet probably never even owned a dog. We don’t want to take anything
16 Funny Dog Gifs to Make Your Day

Do you notice lately that more and more news outlets are using the term ‘Breaking News’ for everything! Seriously. Every time I put on everything from the Today Show to CNN or Fox News, there’s a breaking news alert for something that is really not breaking news or really all that important at all. It’s like they’re desperately trying to pull in viewers by having a breaking news alert constantly on their tickers. So we decided to compile the worst breaking news reports that we could find, and there are definitely a lot of them! From cats getting
The Worst Breaking News Alerts