Most Viewed Jokes
Kids say the darndest things, but as it turns out they also draw the darndest things, as witnessed in these really weird kid drawings. We know kids are innocent, but we can’t help but laugh at their everyday interpretations that led to these whacky kid drawings. We can only imagine how the parents must have felt when their kids gleefully and proudly showed them their kid drawings. They must have seriously cracked up when they saw what these drawings actually were. From the little girl who has a drawing that says “I Love Satan” (she means Santa) to the numerous
Super Creepy Kid Drawings

Halloween is right around the corner, and if you don’t have your costume yet you might want to consider one of these 30 Clever Halloween Costumes in the gallery above. While Funny Halloween Costumes are definitely one way to go, clever Halloween costumes like these can be more interesting. Once people figure these out there’s a chance that you’ll get more “That’s AWESOME, MAN!!” from guests at the Halloween party then when wearing another kind of costume. Basically, you can’t go wrong with any of these clever Halloween costumes. From Vincent van Gogh to a vending machine and Stevie Wonder Woman,
Clever Halloween Costumes

These funny food signs will make you laugh until you’re hungry! When we see funny food signs like these, it makes us really appreciate people in the food industry. Not only do they serve us delicious fries and burgers but they like to add a little humor to their jobs, as clearly evidenced by these hilarious food signs. Click through this gallery of funny food signs and try to find your favorite. We bet you can’t find just one! From all of the anus/angus jokes and the grits/tits, there are other instant classics in there as well. Like Dairy Queen’s
Funny Food Signs

There can be some amazingly funny answers on Family Feud, and these photos below illustrate some of the best answers we’ve ever seen on the show. I don’t know if Steve Harvey makes Family Feud more awesome or what, but ever since he’s been the host there seem to be some REALLY funny answers given. And some of these are instant classics. Like who thinks “cupine” is an actual word? Or when a husband walked in on his wife in the bathroom she would throw actual poop at him (instead of a brush or toilet paper?). And I can’t believe
The Funniest Family Feud Answers Ever

Considering everyone and their mother is on Facebook these days, it’s not surprising to see posts from old people on their younger relatives’ newsfeeds. What’s so hilarious about those posts, however, is that they clarify just hot little old people know about social media, and in particular Facebook. We don’t want to make fun of them, but old people on Facebook are so darn funny! And the thing is we don’t blame them. We can see how not growing up with Facebook (or a computer) and trying to learn how to use it for the first time in your golden
Old People on Facebook are Hilarious