Most Viewed Jokes
Today’s funny pictures gallery features the classic dog photo where the dog is dressed up as a squirrel with the meme text: To catch the squirrel, you must become the squirrel. But honestly, who doesn’t love funny pictures. Funny pictures are the best part of the Internet. Every major site from Reddit to Imgur to Facebook, it’s the funny pictures that drive the audience back and are almost always the posts that are shared more than any other on the site. In addition to the become the squirrel photo in this funny pictures gallery, there are a lot more that
Funny Pictures Gallery – Become the Squirrel

Yes, maternity photos are oh-so-sweet and we love when we see friends and wives taking them and posting them to Facebook for all the world to “Oooh!” and”Aaah!” Maternity photos are a great way to remember that special time period in life, which is a chapter that many couples say is their favorite. But what if you don’t want to have a lovey-dovey maternity photo shoot? What if you stomp your feet and say “No! I will never have one of those cheesy shoots. That is so not me!” Well, if you’re this woman’s husband you go ahead and say
The Best Maternity Photos We’ve Ever Seen

Who thought these kid toys and stores would be a good idea? We think these are the worst things made for kids EVER! Some people have a twisted mind when it comes to toys and stores made for kids. I mean, are the people who came up with these toys and stores totally clueless or are they playing a prank on all of us, especially kids? From weird pillows to inappropriate books to stores with terrible names , we have to wonder what these people were thinking. If your kids got ANY of these items for Christmas, we’re pretty sure they
Terrible Things Made for Kids

Outdoor travel is in full-swing at this point of the summer. And while tons of people are enjoying their nights under the stars roasting s’mores, camping can be dangerous if you’re not prepared. It’s very easy (and more common) these days for people to get lost or loose (or run out) of their supplies. When the time comes to learn how to survive, not everybody knows what to do. This gallery of awesome camping hacks can help you be prepared feel like a pro. From single-serve toothpaste to ziploc bag pillows or chips used as tinder, these camping hacks are super
23 Awesome Camping Hacks

Funny inspirational quotes can do a lot to not only lift your spirits but to remind you that even the great ones like Albert Einstein never took life too seriously. Below is a collection of our favorite funny inspirational quotes from Albert Einstein, Mark Twain, Lily Tomlin, Steve Martin, Robert Frost, and more. Enjoy, and be inspired! Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.- Thomas Eddison If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito. – Betty
Funny Inspirational Quotes