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Funny doctor jokes are some of the best jokes out there, mostly because doctors are anything but funny. If they were, these 10 funny doctor jokes might be a little more accurate. But the bottom line is they make us laugh! Below are 10 of our favorite funny doctor jokes floating around the interwebs today. What do you call 2 orthopedic doctors reading an EKG? A double blind study! Q What is the difference between God and an orthopedic surgeon A God doesn’t think he is an orthopedic surgeon. Did you hear about the latest
10 Funny Doctor Jokes

The owners of these houses REALLY don’t want you to ring their doorbells this Halloween, as they’ve made perfectly clear in the funny notes that are direct and somewhat scary. These funny notes show that some people just don’t want to be disturbed, mostly because they have a kid that is sleeping and/or crazy dogs that they obviously don’t want barking up a storm. While we can understand the point of these funny notes, we’re always surprised at just how direct some people can be when it comes to their doorbells. I wouldn’t want to be a trick-or-treater who thinks it’s funny
Don’t Ring These Doorbells This Halloween

File this under “Oh, SNAP!” A husband recently took to Google + to post an amazing hotel review for a hotel that his wife allegedly used for an affair with her boss. According to Huffington Post, the husband posted the following hotel review after he discovered a charge from the hotel, which also listed both of the guests names. And, spoiler alert, his name wasn’t on there. The awesome text to the full hotel review is below: “Wife and her boss enjoyed their room together so much that she stayed in bed with him until almost checkout. “They were well rested
This Is the Best Hotel Review Ever

There’s nothing funny about death, but for some reasons these funny tombstones at least make light of it. Some of these funny tombstones are intentionally funny…it’s just the deceased’s names that make them really hilarious (RIP). And while it might not be nice to laugh at a dead person’s name, we would hope they are looking down on us and realize we are laughing WITH them and not at them. Or at least we hope so. For the funny tombstones NOT having to do with someones name (like Butts, Weed, Pancakes, Dumfart, Schwing, etc.), there are some really funny
Funny Tombstones

If you’re not familiar with these Keanu Reeves memes, you’ve been missing out. It all started a few years ago when a photo of Keanu Reeves from the most amazing movie ever (Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure) went viral. The Keanu Reeves photo went viral because he has the most amazing expression ever in it. A sort of “what the hell is going on oh my god what is that smell I think there is something really serious but not too serious about to happen.” You know that look. Anyway, as Keanu Reeves likes to say, this photo went viral
The Best Keanu Reeves Memes