Most Viewed Jokes
Advertising agencies have one job to do, and that’s to put out an ad that makes sense and isn’t a total fail! If they did their jobs we wouldn’t have to call them out for their humiliating work in these photoshop fails, now would we? Somebody must have been sleeping on the job when they created these ads. From lost belly buttons, fake crowds, double foreheads and totally wrong skin colors, these photoshop fails should have gotten somebody fired. We love how obviously screwed up all of these ads are. It’s like a blind person photoshopped each and every one
Funny Photoshop Fails

Most of you are familiar with the billion-dollar-plus company called Snapchat by now, the app that allows you to do weird things to photos (like add text or draw on an image) and share with friends before it disappears into a black hole in the universe (next to where all our missing socks go). Snapchat is also a great vehicle for people wishing to make what appear to be the funniest captions put on photos since the invention of the camera. There are so many amazing classics in here that only a gallery could do it justice. We really can’t
Funny Snapchat Pictures

We all know that jerk. The guy who cuts you off on the highway or the guy who brags about how great last night’s hookup was. Both of these guys suck, but it’s important to know the difference between the asshole and the douchebag. You might think these two jerks are the same kind of person, but if you look closely you can see that there are subtle nuances that fit each category. Luckily we are here to help you figure out which guy you’re dealing with. Some examples are an asshole doesn’t care what you think about him while
Is He An Asshole or Douchebag?

There’s nothing funny about kids being bad in school, but there is something about funny detention notes that make us laugh every time! This collection of funny detention notes are so bad they’re good. And when we say bad we mean the kids were bad. The funny detention notes are just good!! It seems like kids get in trouble for the weirdest things these days. From drawing obscene pictures on the chalkboard or whiteboard to reading a book during lunch?! Who gets in trouble for that one!! I would have thought that reading in your off time would
27 Super Funny Detention Notes

Before the invention of Someecards, finding funny e-cards was a total drag. Now all you have to do is search their site and you’ll get any gem you could imagine. It’s amazing. This collection of funny e-cards are the best Someecards ever created. There are some old-school classics in there (like the Michael Jackson one) to new ones that are Pinterest based and that every single girl you know will most likely relate to. These funny e-cards are perfect to send to friends, enemies (hey, keep them closer!), and co-workers. Even if you don’t send these funny e-cards to anybody
38 Funny E-Cards to Send Now