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34 Funny Pet Costumes Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

  These funny pet costumes would be hilarious on pretty much any animal. From dogs and cats to ducks and crabs, there’s a funny pet costume here for all walks of life. What I love about funny pet costumes is that pretty much anything looks funny on an animal. You could put a pair of old sunglasses on your dog and I would probably laugh. So to actually go ahead and put some effort into making a funny pet costume…well, you had me at “bark!” There are some really funny pet costumes in this gallery. There’s the cowboy dog, the

34 Funny Pet Costumes

  These funny pet costumes would be hilarious on pretty much any animal. From dogs and cats to ducks and crabs, there’s a funny pet costume here for all walks of life. What I love about funny pet costumes is that pretty much anything looks …
Bobcat Goldthwait Best Quotes Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Quotes

Police Academy 4, Zed: People just don’t understand me. Police Academy 4, Zed: No, I mean who I am. Man, now I have to worry about my diction too? Police Academy 4, Zed: Gene, Gene made a machine, and Joe, Joe made it go. Art, Art blew a fart and blew the whole damn thing apart. Police Academy 4, Zed: It’s getting to the point now when I’m with you, I no longer want to have something stuck in my eye… Your mother, my mother ain’t never looked like Florence Henderson…

Bobcat Goldthwait Best Quotes

Police Academy 4, Zed: People just don’t understand me. Police Academy 4, Zed: No, I mean who I am. Man, now I have to worry about my diction too? Police Academy 4, Zed: Gene, Gene made a machine, and Joe, …
10 Gifs of Elephants Being Hilarious Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Gifs

There aren’t enough gifs of elephants on the Internet. Sure there are tons of cat and dog gifs. And way too many stupid human gifs, but the elephant deserves its due. These pachyderms can be hilarious. They are super smart and the babies are super cute. So to give them the limelight they deserve, here’s a rare collection of very funny elephant gifs. Why aren’t there very many gifs of elephants on the Internet? Well, for one, I don’t know anyone who has an elephant. So that’s the obvious reason. But with all the nature shows out there I’m surprised

10 Gifs of Elephants Being Hilarious

There aren’t enough gifs of elephants on the Internet. Sure there are tons of cat and dog gifs. And way too many stupid human gifs, but the elephant deserves its due. These pachyderms can be hilarious. They are super smart and the babies are super …
What It’s Really Like to Have a Sibling Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Gifs Funny Pictures

If you have a brother or sister, then you know what an emotional rollercoaster the experience can be. Even though you spent the majority of your life so far being completely annoyed with them, your sibling was also your best friend and confidante. Now as you grow older your sibling(s) still annoy you, but you can also appreciate them understanding you like nobody else can. After all, they were there for you and with you when you grew up, and now as an adult they will still always be there for you. Aside from your parents and spouse, they are

What It’s Really Like to Have a Sibling

If you have a brother or sister, then you know what an emotional rollercoaster the experience can be. Even though you spent the majority of your life so far being completely annoyed with them, your sibling was also your best friend and confidante. Now as …
‘Apparently Kid’ is the Best Video You Will Ever Watch Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This “Apparently Kid” might be the funniest human being alive. Seriously, we dare you to watch this video and tell us that you’ve seen a funnier kid in your entire life. What’s so amazing about the “Apparently Kid” is his brutal honestly and his deadpan delivery of the most adorable things we’ve ever heard a kid say. Below is a transcript of what  “Apparently Kid” says in this WNEP interview at a local fair. And if you’re wondering what  his name is, apparently it’s Noah Ritter and he’s from three different towns. Reporter: What did you think of the ride?  “Apparently Kid”: It

‘Apparently Kid’ is the Best Video You Will Ever Watch

This “Apparently Kid” might be the funniest human being alive. Seriously, we dare you to watch this video and tell us that you’ve seen a funnier kid in your entire life. What’s so amazing about the “Apparently Kid” is his brutal honestly and his deadpan delivery …