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Funniest Autocorrect Fails We’ve Seen Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

  There are not enough words on the iPhone to describe how hilarious these autocorrect fails are. Autocorrect fails happen to the best of us. Just when you think it’s safe to use your phone you try and send a text to your mother, father, grandmother or significant other and your iPhone decides to have a mind of it’s own. You start off typing something as harmless as “cat” and all of a sudden the person you are texting thinks you are a total perfect. Er, pencil. We mean pervert! Pervert, damnit! These autocorrect fails will have you laughing out loud

Funniest Autocorrect Fails We’ve Seen

  There are not enough words on the iPhone to describe how hilarious these autocorrect fails are. Autocorrect fails happen to the best of us. Just when you think it’s safe to use your phone you try and send a text to your mother, father, …
51 Funny Food Fails Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

Some people are good cooks, and the rest of us make what we lovingly refer to as food fails. This gallery of 51 funny food fails will either make you feel really good about your cooking skills or feel really bad because you can relate. And if you can relate, we want to say we’re sorry but please don’t invite us over to dinner. Or if you do, don’t take offense when we tell you we’re going to be busy for the next five years. I mean, some of these funny food fails seem impossible to do! Some of them

51 Funny Food Fails

Some people are good cooks, and the rest of us make what we lovingly refer to as food fails. This gallery of 51 funny food fails will either make you feel really good about your cooking skills or feel really bad because you can relate. …
Hotel Maids Reveal Their Grossest Stories Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

  Hotel maids recently took to Reddit to reveal their craziest service stories, and we can’t believe what some of them have seen (and had to do!). From cleaning up poop, vomit, and everything else you can think of to walking in on people having sex to pretty much saving a life, these hotel maid stories are beyond crazy. Just when you thought the worst thing a hotel maid would have to cleanup is a dirty bathroom or a guest who leaves his clothes all over the room, you learn that hotel maids have to deal with A LOT of gross

Hotel Maids Reveal Their Grossest Stories

  Hotel maids recently took to Reddit to reveal their craziest service stories, and we can’t believe what some of them have seen (and had to do!). From cleaning up poop, vomit, and everything else you can think of to walking in on people having sex …
Worst Marriage Proposals Ever Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

    These might be the worst marriage proposals you’ve ever seen. In fact, we’re going to go ahead and say they ARE the worst marriage proposals you’ve seen. I mean, how lazy are the people who came up with these ideas, or lack thereof. Do they not realize that proposing with a pizza box is SO not romantic? Neither is proposing in a bathroom, while you’re on the toilet. And while you’re in there, neither is proposing with a shower curtain or getting down on one knee in a public bathroom. Talk about gross! What makes these the worst

Worst Marriage Proposals Ever

    These might be the worst marriage proposals you’ve ever seen. In fact, we’re going to go ahead and say they ARE the worst marriage proposals you’ve seen. I mean, how lazy are the people who came up with these ideas, or lack thereof. …
25 Pictures of the Worst Taxidermy Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

There are few things worse than the worst taxidermy. There’s some taxidermy out there that could be considered a work of art. Taking the wonder of mother nature and preserving it forever can be a thing of beauty. A way to memorialize an animal. These photos of stuffed animals are not that kind of taxidermy. These are the worst taxidermy photos and pictures we have found on the Internet. Now, sure, if you are getting into taxidermy you’re not going to be perfect right off the bat. It’s going to take you a few attempts to hone your craft. Let’s

25 Pictures of the Worst Taxidermy

There are few things worse than the worst taxidermy. There’s some taxidermy out there that could be considered a work of art. Taking the wonder of mother nature and preserving it forever can be a thing of beauty. A way to memorialize an animal. These …