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These funny Rodney Dangerfield jokes and one-liners are some of the comedian’s best material. We put together this collection of classic and hilarious Rodney Dangerfield jokes to honor the late comedian, who is one of the best of all-time. While Rodney Dangerfield loved to say he “got no respect,” that was not the case when it came to being one of the world’s funniest comedians. Click through the funny jokes and one-liners below, and check out the Rodney Dangerfield profile page on Dose of Funny to get even more jokes, quotes, and funny photos of the comedian, all in one place. I tell
38 Funny Rodney Dangerfield Jokes and One-Liners

Who needs lawyers jokes when their names are funny enough on their own? These funny law firm names are both hilarious and unfortunate. And believe it or not we think they’re all real. From Ditcher, Quick, and Hyde, Butt Solicitors, Gay and Gay, Butts and Butts, and so many Eggers we’re not sure what’s going on…these funny law firm names are kind of insane. You would think if you’re an educated lawyer you would look at what happens when one or two partners put their names together. If it’s something that can be deemed weird, funny, wrong, or means something
Funny Law Firm Names

These funny toilet paper holders are a sight to be seen…and hopefully not smell! From parrots to maids and butlers and giraffe’s, it seems people love a funny toilet paper holder. And really, who can blame them? While most of these funny toilet paper holders are more for show, it seems like some people really do use them (or can). We’re guessing they’re better off in a guest bathroom where other people can enjoy them more than you. And who wouldn’t? I would love to go to a party and use the bathroom only to find a frog holding his
Funny Toilet Paper Holders

Since when did people falling down get some downright hysterical? Probably with the invention of the Gif. Thanks to Gifs, we can watch the precise moment people fall down and watch it over and over and over and over until we can’t take it anymore. And then we’ll probably post it on Dose of Funny and watch it again. C’est la vie! This collection of funny gifs of people falling down is kind of epic. It’s like winning the people falling down lottery. You can browse through the funniest Gifs in one place and then pray you don’t fall
21 Funny Gifs of People Falling Down

WARNING. Most of these funny baby shower cakes are gross, hilarious, and downright wrong! Can you believe that we were able to find 52 terrible baby shower cakes? Like, these actually exist! Someone was hosting a baby shower and was assigned baby shower cake duty and decided “you know what, I’m going to make a cake that looks like a baby coming out of my friend’s vagina and put chocolate sprinkles and Jello around the face so it terrifies not only everybody at the baby shower but people on the Internet and the child when he/she eventually grows up.” Sound
52 Gross Baby Shower Cakes