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There are hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands, of Louis CK quotes that could qualify for a list of the greatest Louis CK quotes. So we boiled it down to the 22 greatest Louis CK quotes that exist in the universe. Could we have doubled or tripled this> Sure, but let’s be honest, we only have so much time. Click on Louis’ name to check out even more Louis CK awesomeness from videos to photos to bios. One of the greatest Louis CK quotes in this list has to be the simplest: Everything is amazing and nobody’s happy. This quotes
The 22 Greatest Louis CK Quotes

Pareidolia is a phenomenon that involves things that look like other things. Basically, your mind plays a trick on you and you incorrectly perceive a pattern that doesn’t exist (like thinking the moon looks like a human face). It typically involves sight but can also involve sound (like hearing some kind of hidden message when you play a song backwards). While it sounds scientific and weird, Pareidolia is a pretty cool thing. Who doesn’t want to look at photos of things that look like other things? I do, which is why we put together this gallery of things that look that other things
32 Things That Look EXACTLY Like Other Things

You don’t fool us, cute animals of the world! These cute animals all have one thing in common: They are NOT scary. At least not yet. Sure, some of these cute animals will grow up to be vicious or at least something you wouldn’t want to be trapped with in a dark room. But for now, all they have is a whole lot of cute snuggles to give, despite their appearances. Click through this gallery of gifs and photos to see these super cute animals trying to act all rough and tough. They are pouncing, growling, sneering, and trying to
17 Super Cute Animals Trying to Look Tough

These are by far the best crazy thrift store finds out there, though we’d be insane to think there aren’t a gazillion more amazing ones out there. On any given day you can venture into a Goodwill or Salvation Army and have your own personal comedy show just by going through their aisles of goods. That’s not to say there are only crazy thrift store finds there…you can find a TON of cool stuff if you look hard enough. But there are plenty of crazy thrift store finds to go around. And we means PLENTY. Click through this
The Best Crazy Thrift Store Finds

We feel pretty confident in saying that these are going to be the funniest youtube comments you’ll ever read. EVER. If they’re not, we’ll give you your money back. If you’ve never searched for funny YouTube comments, you have really been missing out. While Funny Facebook Comments are definitely a thing that we love, we have to say that these funny YouTube comments have really hit home for us. In fact they are, I would say, some of the funniest comments I’ve read on the entirez Internetz. Not possible, you say? Well read on, son, and tell us what you think!
The Funniest YouTube Comments You’ll Ever Read