Most Viewed Jokes
Breaking up is hard to do…especially when you get a breakup note as harsh and funny as one of these. We’re really loving this gallery of funny breakup notes. Yes, we feel bad for the people they were written to, but there is something so hilarious about a breakup note that we can’t help but laugh. What is it about breakup notes that are so darn funny? Maybe it’s because you get a glimpse into a couple’s life, and usually what you see is pretty amazing. There are so many gems in this gallery that we don’t know how
Funny Breakup Notes

Thanks, sign. But I THINK WE GOT THIS. Have you ever seen a funny warning sign and thought to yourself: Wait, what? Did someone really take the time to make that because they thought someone actually wouldn’t know that? Well, if you haven’t, today is your lucky day with this gallery of funny warning signs and instructions. I mean, how dumb do people think other people actually are? It’s like explaining to someone that they breathe in order to survive. Oh wait. One of these funny warning signs practically says that? That’s right. It actually warns people NOT TO
Hilariously Obvious Warning Signs

These super funny bumper stickers are an ode to just how awesome (or weird?) other people, especially drivers, can be. We feel pretty confident saying that these are the funniest bumper stickers we’ve seen (though these funny bumper stickers come pretty close). There are some really classic funny bumper stickers in this gallery, above. A few of our favorites include the ‘Hooker Mom’ bumper sticker, the ‘I’m really speeding because I have to poop,’ the ‘If you’re reading this you’re probably pulling me over,’ the ‘I hate bumper stickers,’ the ‘Little Lebowski Urban Achiever,’ the many anti-man ones (especially the
38 Hilarious Bumper Stickers

Perfectly timed photos are NOT a dime a dozen. It takes hard to work capture a moment using a camera that is exactly right. Which is what makes these particular perfectly timed photos so amazing. There are a ton of funny perfectly timed photos in this gallery, but there are also a handful of really spectacular ones that aren’t to be missed! From the perfectly timed baby getting sick and then dog flying in mid-air to the lone solider yawning or the basketball referee who looks like he’s the king of all beers, these perfectly timed photos are crazy. One
40 of the Coolest Perfectly Timed Photos

These funny Facebook comments make us want to go onto the profile of every Facebook friend we have and look for the best posts to leave our genius comments on. Because after looking at this gallery of funny Facebook comments we have to say, we are truly inspired. Some of these are amazing! You know the drill. One of your Facebook friends leaves a less than smart/annoying/weird status update and you have the sudden urge to post a comment underneath it either calling them out for their stupidity or start laughing at them, not with them if you get what
Funniest Facebook Comments Ever