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35 of the Best Pug Moments in History Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures ,

  O.M.G. If this pug gallery doesn’t make you want to run out and get a pug RIGHT FRIGGIN’ NOW, then you have no soul. Seriously, I want to stop typing this, get off the couch, and go down to the shelter and see if there are any pugs that I can take home and start leading my incredibly awesome life with. But there probably won’t even be any pugs in the shelter because they are so cute nobody can live without one. In this amazing collection of pug photos, you see pugs doing all the things a pug does.

35 of the Best Pug Moments in History

  O.M.G. If this pug gallery doesn’t make you want to run out and get a pug RIGHT FRIGGIN’ NOW, then you have no soul. Seriously, I want to stop typing this, get off the couch, and go down to the shelter and see if …
29 Super Funny Kid Photobombs Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

  Kids are the best…especially when they give us gems like these hilarious kid photobombs to laugh at all day. While adult photobombs definitely have their own time and place, the reason why cat photobombs, dog photobombs, and kid photobombs are so funny is that they almost never know that they’re actually bombing a photo. Which basically means it’s completely unintentionally, and that the hilarity that ensued afterwards was just a brilliant twist of fate to make us laugh and brighten up our day. There are some SUPER funny kid photobombs in this gallery that you’ll be thanking us for

29 Super Funny Kid Photobombs

  Kids are the best…especially when they give us gems like these hilarious kid photobombs to laugh at all day. While adult photobombs definitely have their own time and place, the reason why cat photobombs, dog photobombs, and kid photobombs are so funny is that …
10 Signs It’s Too Hot Outside Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

This gallery of hilarious photos show you what happens when you see signs it’s too how outside. With drought across most of the country and temperatures hitting the triple digits already this year (didn’t we just get done dealing with a bunch of blizzards a week or so ago? What happened to spring?) I’m afraid we have a lot of these photos to look forward to as we hit the dog days of summer. And then the dog days of fall, since there only seems to be summer and winter now. I’m not sure if we’ll ever get a fall or

10 Signs It’s Too Hot Outside

This gallery of hilarious photos show you what happens when you see signs it’s too how outside. With drought across most of the country and temperatures hitting the triple digits already this year (didn’t we just get done dealing with a bunch of blizzards a week …
The 50 Best Comedies Ever Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures ,,,,

These are the 50 best comedies ever. This is one man’s opinion, but I watch a lot of movies and I love comedies. Feel free to disagree and tell me what I forgot in the comments. 50. Wet Hot American Summer (2001) It seems like WHAS is on almost every underrated comedy list that has ever appeared on the Internet. We say it deserves to get off the underrated list and make best comedies ever list here. If you haven’t seen it, go see it now. It’s hilarious. 49. CB4 (1993) If there’s one blank spot on Chris Rock’s resume it’s a lack

The 50 Best Comedies Ever

These are the 50 best comedies ever. This is one man’s opinion, but I watch a lot of movies and I love comedies. Feel free to disagree and tell me what I forgot in the comments. 50. Wet Hot American Summer (2001) It seems like WHAS …
Funny Tweets of the Week Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

  These funny tweets aren’t all actually from this week, but we found them and think they’re deserving enough to go in our latest feature, Funny Tweets of the Week. Some of these tweets are from this week, last week, last month, and even some from way back in the day when Twitter was just a little thing that bounced on your grandmother’s lap. You know…WAY back in the day. But a funny tweet is a funny tweet, and we think you deserve to see the best 140 characters ever made at least once a week. Because we care for

Funny Tweets of the Week

  These funny tweets aren’t all actually from this week, but we found them and think they’re deserving enough to go in our latest feature, Funny Tweets of the Week. Some of these tweets are from this week, last week, last month, and even some …