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21 Funny Pranks We Love Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

These funny pranks are so classic, we’re bummed we didn’t think of them first! If you’ve never seen a collection of funny pranks before, you should know that these are some of the best. You’ve got everything from the fake onion candy apples or the Purell in place of a personal lubricant, but there are some new funny pranks in there as well that are hilarious. A few favorites are the mac n’ cheese mix made to look like orange juice, the picture in a jar that is made to look like a human head, and the poster of Gollum from Lord of

21 Funny Pranks We Love

These funny pranks are so classic, we’re bummed we didn’t think of them first! If you’ve never seen a collection of funny pranks before, you should know that these are some of the best. You’ve got everything from the fake onion candy apples or the Purell in …
Outrageous College Dorm Pranks Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

  College dorm pranks are always funny, and these are no exception. College is probably one of the best times of your life. You have pretty much no responsibility except to show up in class and study about one week a month. Aside from that it’s the first time you’re living on your own and you don’t have to report to anybody. So basically you have all of the freedom and none of the adult things that typically go with it. Which is why students have the time to pull college dorm pranks like these. From lining entire hallways with

Outrageous College Dorm Pranks

  College dorm pranks are always funny, and these are no exception. College is probably one of the best times of your life. You have pretty much no responsibility except to show up in class and study about one week a month. Aside from that …
17 Optical Illusions You Have to See to Believe Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Gifs Funny Pictures

Optical illusions can mess with your mind and make you think you’re seeing things that aren’t there. That’s what is so cool about most of them. This collection of pictures and gifs will feel like P90x for your brain. There are three types of optical illusions: literal, physiological, and cognitive. Ambiguous illusions are pictures or objects that elicit a perceptual “switch” between the alternative interpretations. The man’s face is also an example of one. Physiological illusions are the pictures that appear to be moving. These are caused by bright colors leaving what’s called an “afterimage” in your brain. The optical illusions pictured

17 Optical Illusions You Have to See to Believe

Optical illusions can mess with your mind and make you think you’re seeing things that aren’t there. That’s what is so cool about most of them. This collection of pictures and gifs will feel like P90x for your brain. There are three types of optical illusions: …
23 Perfectly Timed Dog Photos Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

We love us some perfectly timed photos, and these perfectly timed dog photos are even better. These pet owners managed to catch their dogs in juuuuuust the right spot for a classic, perfectly timed photo. There’s the photo where the dog licked his owner’s face and it looked like her lips. There’s several where the dog is lying in front of his owner so it looks like they’re half dog/half human. There’s the photo with a dog and frisbee. And then there’s the classic photo where it looks like a human has a dog face (or dog hands, or feet…you get

23 Perfectly Timed Dog Photos

We love us some perfectly timed photos, and these perfectly timed dog photos are even better. These pet owners managed to catch their dogs in juuuuuust the right spot for a classic, perfectly timed photo. There’s the photo where the dog licked his owner’s face and …
37 of the Funniest Tweets Ever Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

    These have to be the funniest tweets EVER. In fact, these funny tweets are what make Twitter so awesome: they are a collection of 140 characters of pure awesomeness. Yes, Twitter can get boring and sometimes I wonder why I even use it, but then you see a collection of the funniest tweets ever and you remember why you spend hours scouring your Twitter feed…it’s to find hidden gems like these! Granted, most of the tweets I see are of people posting photos of the lunch they’re about to eat or some terrible selfie that nobody wants to

37 of the Funniest Tweets Ever

    These have to be the funniest tweets EVER. In fact, these funny tweets are what make Twitter so awesome: they are a collection of 140 characters of pure awesomeness. Yes, Twitter can get boring and sometimes I wonder why I even use it, …