Most Viewed Jokes
Funny fortune cookies are always a surprise, especially when you open one and they deliver a fortune that is so hilarious you wonder if Chris Rock wrote it. In our house, there’s always a fight over who gets which fortune cookie, and if we knew there were funny fortune cookies like the ones in this gallery, there would definitely be a brawl. You gotta wonder who writes these things? Is there an older man in a fortune cookie factory in the middle of America making himself chuckle with these clever sayings? Or are funny fortune cookies like the surprising ones found here
Hilarious Fortune Cookies

These funny kid gifs are so amazing, we could watch them over and over again. What is it about babies and toddlers that is just so funny? Everything they do is comical…they are like the cutest drunk people you’ve ever met, and you can’t help but laugh when they do things like eat lemons for the first time, try to walk, bob their heads to the music, take a bath, and try to place nice (or not so nice) with their pets. These funny kid gifs show us why being a baby or toddler is the best. And there are
Funny Kid Gifs

Once you see these cat photobombs, you might switch from being a dog person to a cat person. This might be the best cat photobombs collection of all time. These cats are stealthy, and watching them sneak their way into baby photos, girls’ night out, and selfies is one of the best things ever. I mean, who doesn’t love a photobombing cat? I honestly think, after looking at these cat photobombs, that cats might have way more personality than dogs. I mean, some of them even act human. I wish I had a cat so I could get them to
The Best Cat Photobombs Ever

Funny texts from mom is one of the best viral photo trends on the Internet today. Why? Because we can ALL relate to them, whether you’re the one sending or receiving the texts. Funny texts from mom can range from downright weird to awkward and everything in between. How many times has poor mom been the victim of autocorrect fails? Or how many times has she totally outsmarted you and played a trick via text message that caught you in the act redhanded? And if you’re that smart and clever mom sending these funny texts, well…kudos to you! There
27 Funny Texts from Mom

These 31 people have to be the dumbest people on the Internet? Why? Well, look at the gallery and you’ll see for yourself! While we would normally get mad at the dumbest people on the Internet, we have to say that these photos make us laugh. A LOT. Like, I am laughing so hard that I am crying. They are that good. Who ARE these people?! And how do they even know how to turn on a computer let alone post something on social media? I feel like that is about 10 steps beyond what they are capable of considering
The 31 Dumbest People on the Internet