Most Viewed Jokes
Richard Pryor needs more memes. There, I said it. I see much, much lesser comedians with their words slapped all over their photos on Reddit and Buzzfeed. But why hasn’t Richard Pryor had his day in the meme sun yet? He’s got more material than almost anyone else. He also happens to be one of the funniest comedians to ever walk the earth. But there’s a criminally small amount of memes and photos of Richard Pryor jokes and quotes. The man changed the way comedy was used. He did things no one else had ever done with a microphone before.
Richard Pryor Jokes and Memes

These funny and inspirational Bill Cosby quotes will have you both laughing and thinking at the same time. As you probably know Bill Cosby has had one of the most storied and respected careers in not only stand up comedy, but in sitcoms as well (not so much movies, let’s be honest.) But the man has lived a long, long time and he has experienced both the highs and lows of life. From creating one of the most important TV sitcoms in history with The Cosby Show, which is still one of the biggest TV shows of all time, to
18 Funny and Inspirational Bill Cosby Quotes

OK. We see a lot of Halloween related decorations and pumpkins and costumes around these parts, but we’ve never seen Halloween decorations as amazing as these. Scroll through this gallery to see some SUPER cool Halloween decorations that rival even the best haunted houses in the country or even the world. There’s the awesome Halloween party platter with ribs, thighs and sausages that look like intestines (how cool is that?)l, then there are the houses that look like they are UFO landing sights…and also the giant spiders who are crawling on a house. Some of the most unique ones
The 30 Best Halloween Decorations Ever

If you’re a parent who celebrates Christmas, chances are you have an Elf on the Shelf and are taking full advantage of the fake disciplinary measures it can bring. For example, you better go to bed on time tonight because the Elf is watching you! Or, you better eat all your vegetables or else the Elf on the Shelf is going to tell Santa not to bring you that special present you’ve been wanting! Parents, you know the drill. But then there are other clever parents out there who have taken their Elf on the Shelf experience a wee bit
Totally Inappropriate (and Funny) Elf on the Shelf Poses

There aren’t enough Eddie Murphy funny pictures and meme on the Internet. Eddie Murphy is one of the funniest comedians in the history of the world. Well, at least in the history of the world that we all remember. But he came up before the Internet. Could you imagine if he released Raw now? Or Coming to America came out in 2014? It would spawn more memes and funny pictures than Reddit could post. Between all these movies and quotes and epic one liners from a comedy master would play so well on the Internet. The younger crowds may only
Eddie Murphy Funny Pictures and Memes