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Jimmy Kimmel Finds Out Gluten-Free People Have No Idea What Gluten Is Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Jimmy Kimmel finds out gluten free people have no idea what gluten is in this hilarious Jimmy Kimmel Live clip. More and more people are following a gluten-free diet these days. From Gwyneth Paltrow to your next-door neighbor, being gluten-free seems to be the nation’s newest fad. So when Jimmy Kimmel decided to send a camera to the gym across the street from where they film Jimmy Kimmel Live to ask gluten-free gym-goers what gluten is, they didn’t have a clue. According to Jimmy Kimmel gluten free people don’t know what gluten is. Now, some people can’t eat gluten because they have celiac’s disease, and

Jimmy Kimmel Finds Out Gluten-Free People Have No Idea What Gluten Is

Jimmy Kimmel finds out gluten free people have no idea what gluten is in this hilarious Jimmy Kimmel Live clip. More and more people are following a gluten-free diet these days. From Gwyneth Paltrow to your next-door neighbor, being gluten-free seems to be the nation’s …

Dorothy Parker Funny Quote

The best way to keep children home is to make the home a pleasant atmosphere . . . and let the air out of the tires.-Dorothy Parker Click here for more funny quotes

Rodney Dangerfield Funny Quote

I told my wife the truth. I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist. Then she told me the truth: that she was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers, and a bartender.-Rodney Dangerfield
Rat on Subway Totally Freaks Out Riders Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

New Yorkers of the 80s would scoff at this video of a bunch of so-called New Yorkers freaking out at a rat in a subway car. New York subway cars of the 80s were much different than they are now. Back then, only having one rat on the subway would be the best part of the ride. Because the chances are you would either be getting mugged or stabbed or something. So, be happy New Yorkers of 2014 that you got a little tiny bit of a taste of what the Big Apple was like back when it had some

Rat on Subway Totally Freaks Out Riders

New Yorkers of the 80s would scoff at this video of a bunch of so-called New Yorkers freaking out at a rat in a subway car. New York subway cars of the 80s were much different than they are now. Back then, only having one …

Bob Hope Funny Bathroom Quote

I grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance–waiting for the bathroom.- Bob Hope Funny Bathroom Quote Click here for more funny quotes