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Foo Fighters’ Ice Bucket Challenge is Pretty Amazing Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Leave it to the Foo Fighters to create a video for their ALS Ice Bucket Challenge that would be right at home on Saturday Night Live. The funny rock band (who is also awesome) created a parody of the horror movie “Carrie” for Dave Grohl’s Ice Bucket Challenge and it’s pretty epic. Watch the clip above and see Dave Grohl’s funny take on the Ice Bucket Challenge that would have any prom-goer squeaming (just like the movie did). Before he completed the challenge Dave Grohl challenged comedian Jack Black, John Travolta, and Stephen King, the creator of Carrie. Honestly, it’s

Foo Fighters’ Ice Bucket Challenge is Pretty Amazing

Leave it to the Foo Fighters to create a video for their ALS Ice Bucket Challenge that would be right at home on Saturday Night Live. The funny rock band (who is also awesome) created a parody of the horror movie “Carrie” for Dave Grohl’s …
Morgan Freeman Using Helium Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This Morgan Freeman helium video is hilarious. Morgan Freeman is known for his voice. He has done countless voiceovers in his career including everything from March of the Penguins to Through the Wormhole on the SciFi channel. In this episode, Morgan sucks in some helium before he does this segment to show off how funny his voice sounds when he’s inhaled some helium. After seeing this Morgan Freeman helium video I kind of wish someone would make a video of Morgan Freeman and James Earl Jones both arguing about something hilarious while they are on helium. I’m not sure my

Morgan Freeman Using Helium

This Morgan Freeman helium video is hilarious. Morgan Freeman is known for his voice. He has done countless voiceovers in his career including everything from March of the Penguins to Through the Wormhole on the SciFi channel. In this episode, Morgan sucks in some helium …

Lawyer Joke Getting Arrested

A lawyer was filling out a job application when he came to the question, “Have you ever been arrested?” He answered, “No.” The next question, intended for applicants who had answered, “Yes,” was “Why?” The lawyer answered it, “Never got caught.”

Agatha Christie Funny Quote

An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have; the older she gets the more interested he is in her.-Agatha Christie Funny Quote Click here for more funny quotes