Most Viewed Jokes
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.- Greg King Funny Quote
Greg King Funny Quote
We knew mice were smart, but we didn’t know they were THIS smart. In this adorable video, the mouse owner has clearly trained his pet mouse to ring the bell when he wants to go into his room. There are a pair of tiny bells that he set up next to the door. To show what the mouse can do, the owner set up a camera in front of the door and waited for the mouse to come by. In this video, the owner closed the door when he knew the mouse was approaching. As soon as the mouse realized he
This Mouse is Super Smart

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.- Franklin P. Jones Funny Quote
Franklin P. Jones Funny Quote
Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.- Dave Barry Funny Quote
Dave Barry Funny Quote
Leave it to the Foo Fighters to create a video for their ALS Ice Bucket Challenge that would be right at home on Saturday Night Live. The funny rock band (who is also awesome) created a parody of the horror movie “Carrie” for Dave Grohl’s Ice Bucket Challenge and it’s pretty epic. Watch the clip above and see Dave Grohl’s funny take on the Ice Bucket Challenge that would have any prom-goer squeaming (just like the movie did). Before he completed the challenge Dave Grohl challenged comedian Jack Black, John Travolta, and Stephen King, the creator of Carrie. Honestly, it’s
Foo Fighters’ Ice Bucket Challenge is Pretty Amazing