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Man Throws Rock at Lamborghini Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Wow. We can only imagine how cathartic it must be to throw a rock at a $400,000 car that is being driven by a complete douche-bag who thinks it's a good idea to race down a neighborhood street where children like to play.

In this video, one fed up neighbor decided to take matters into his own hands (literally) when he tells a passing Lamborghini, who must be known to race through the neighborhood, to "keep racing" before he threatens action. The Lamborghini does just that, and in a fit of rage the neighbor takes a rock he must have been hiding and throws it at the speeding car. The owner of the Lamborghini stops and for a minute you think that he's going to get out of the car and a fight will ensue, but instead he hits his brakes and then decides to speed off again, clearly because all of his courage is in his lead foot and not in his muscles.

We gotta hand it to this fed-up neighbor. He clearly had a plan of action, and you can tell he had a great throw because you can hear the rock smash into the Lamborghini with some pretty good force. Even the person holding the video camera said "Owww!" when he heard the rock hit the car...because everybody knows how painful it must be to get a rock thrown at your $400,000 car. But, if it prevents him from speeding again so be it!


Man Throws Rock at Lamborghini

Wow. We can only imagine how cathartic it must be to throw a rock at a $400,000 car that is being driven by a complete douche-bag who thinks it’s a good idea to race down a neighborhood street where children like to play.

In this video, one fed up neighbor decided to take matters into his own hands (literally) when he tells a passing Lamborghini, who must be known to race through the neighborhood, to “keep racing” before he threatens action. The Lamborghini does just that, and in a fit of rage the neighbor takes a rock he must have been hiding and throws it at the speeding car. The owner of the Lamborghini stops and for a minute you think that he’s going to get out of the car and a fight will ensue, but instead he hits his brakes and then decides to speed off again, clearly because all of his courage is in his lead foot and not in his muscles.

We gotta hand it to this fed-up neighbor. He clearly had a plan of action, and you can tell he had a great throw because you can hear the rock smash into the Lamborghini with some pretty good force. Even the person holding the video camera said “Owww!” when he heard the rock hit the car…because everybody knows how painful it must be to get a rock thrown at your $400,000 car. But, if it prevents him from speeding again so be it!


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