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Lyrebird Makes the Most Awesome Sounds Ever Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Is this Lyrebird for real?!

We can't tell if this Lyrebird really does make all of these insane noises or if someone graciously added in some Star Wars-quality sound effects, but this bird is really awesome.

Watch the video and listen to the amazing laser-like sounds this Lyrebird makes in the wild. It sounds like an amazing mix between Star Wars (as mentioned above), Saturday Night Live's Laser Cats, the arcade you used to spend hours in when you were younger, or for you younger generations the noises coming from your bedroom as you play your Playstation or XBox.

But then again, if these sounds really do come from a Lyrebird, it makes you realize yet again how impressive mother nature really is. We can think of a dozen companies who would love to create sounds like this...and this bird can do them all! Listening to this Lyrebird makes us kind of wish we could own one as a pet. That way we could walk around with a bird that makes amazing laser sounds at people we see. Or, instead of playing our Wii we would just listen to the Lyrebird and sit and stare at how amazing this creature is!


Lyrebird Makes the Most Awesome Sounds Ever

Is this Lyrebird for real?!

We can’t tell if this Lyrebird really does make all of these insane noises or if someone graciously added in some Star Wars-quality sound effects, but this bird is really awesome.

Watch the video and listen to the amazing laser-like sounds this Lyrebird makes in the wild. It sounds like an amazing mix between Star Wars (as mentioned above), Saturday Night Live’s Laser Cats, the arcade you used to spend hours in when you were younger, or for you younger generations the noises coming from your bedroom as you play your Playstation or XBox.

But then again, if these sounds really do come from a Lyrebird, it makes you realize yet again how impressive mother nature really is. We can think of a dozen companies who would love to create sounds like this…and this bird can do them all! Listening to this Lyrebird makes us kind of wish we could own one as a pet. That way we could walk around with a bird that makes amazing laser sounds at people we see. Or, instead of playing our Wii we would just listen to the Lyrebird and sit and stare at how amazing this creature is!


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