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Little Girl Throws Jeter Foul Ball Back Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

In a move that made grown men cry around the country, a little girl threw a Jeter foul ball back onto the field after her father caught it at Friday's Yankees game against the Blue Jays.

In this adorable video you see just how happy the parents are that the dad just caught the Jeter foul ball. The wife starts taking photos with her iPad and the dad is smiling from ear to ear while holding their baby. This is when the toddler girl comes into play. Their daughter starts reaching for the ball because she clearly wants to see the Jeter foul ball. Daddy grants her the wish and as soon as she gets it in her little hands, she throws the Jeter foul ball BACK onto the field. You can hear the collective gasp around the stadium as onlookers watch in horror.

Thankfully the dad ended up getting the Jeter foul ball back. Because honestly we're not sure what kind of psychological scars that entire family might have if they didn't. Can you imagine the subliminal guilt that dad would pass on for generations?

All kidding aside, the video is awesome and goes to show you that you should never let your toddler hold onto a Jeter foul ball. Ever.

Little Girl Throws Jeter Foul Ball Back

In a move that made grown men cry around the country, a little girl threw a Jeter foul ball back onto the field after her father caught it at Friday’s Yankees game against the Blue Jays.

In this adorable video you see just how happy the parents are that the dad just caught the Jeter foul ball. The wife starts taking photos with her iPad and the dad is smiling from ear to ear while holding their baby. This is when the toddler girl comes into play. Their daughter starts reaching for the ball because she clearly wants to see the Jeter foul ball. Daddy grants her the wish and as soon as she gets it in her little hands, she throws the Jeter foul ball BACK onto the field. You can hear the collective gasp around the stadium as onlookers watch in horror.

Thankfully the dad ended up getting the Jeter foul ball back. Because honestly we’re not sure what kind of psychological scars that entire family might have if they didn’t. Can you imagine the subliminal guilt that dad would pass on for generations?

All kidding aside, the video is awesome and goes to show you that you should never let your toddler hold onto a Jeter foul ball. Ever.

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