They might be young, but these kids know exactly what they want to do in life, and the notes in this gallery prove it.
These funny kid notes are exactly what we need on a Tuesday. Funny kid notes are our favorites, as most of these kids show such brutal honesty that you can't help but laugh at all their weird sayings.
What's most surprising about these funny kid notes is that quite a few of them are very adamant about wanting to do nothing in life when they grow up. Sure you might expect that kind of comment from a 26-year-old recent college graduate who is living back at home in his old room at his parents' house, but in a 7-year-old? That takes moxie, kid. And for that we applaud you.
Other clever remarks in these funny kids notes include actual URLs written out for Santa, plans for world domination (including plans to demolish it? Please don't!), tombstone escapes, a tooth fairy request for bacon (because when you're that young, why not?), taco dreams, superheroes, and a kid that obviously lives in a house with a major Chicago Bears fan that has been brought up hating the Green Bay Packers. You gotta love these funny kid notes! They are hilariously honest!
Kids Who Know Exactly What They Want in Life

They might be young, but these kids know exactly what they want to do in life, and the notes in this gallery prove it.
These funny kid notes are exactly what we need on a Tuesday. Funny kid notes are our favorites, as most of these kids show such brutal honesty that you can't help but laugh at all their weird sayings.
What's most surprising about these funny kid notes is that quite a few of them are very adamant about wanting to do nothing in life when they grow up. Sure you might expect that kind of comment from a 26-year-old recent college graduate who is living back at home in his old room at his parents' house, but in a 7-year-old? That takes moxie, kid. And for that we applaud you.
Other clever remarks in these funny kids notes include actual URLs written out for Santa, plans for world domination (including plans to demolish it? Please don't!), tombstone escapes, a tooth fairy request for bacon (because when you're that young, why not?), taco dreams, superheroes, and a kid that obviously lives in a house with a major Chicago Bears fan that has been brought up hating the Green Bay Packers. You gotta love these funny kid notes! They are hilariously honest!