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Julian is the Worst Wheel of Fortune Contestant Ever Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

We found him, the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant ever. Julian from Indiana University is easily the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant in the history of Wheel of Fortune. This isn't Jeopardy!, remember. This is the easier game show. But not for Julian.

His inability to pronounce Achilles cost him, wait for it, $1 million. Yes, a million dollars. Because he couldn't pronounce the tendon at the back of his heel (or the mythological hero.) And it wasn't because he couldn't figure out the puzzle. Every square was turned around. He just had to read it. And then he failed.

Then he lost a car because he couldn't figure out "The World's Fastest Man" (he screwed up the 'man' part) and he thought "Decision" was going to be some word he pronounced "Dicespin". Dicespin? C'mon Indiana University, you are a respected institution. What's going on with your admissions process?

But the best part of the whole show? He won! Ha! How did that happen? And how do those other contestants feel now that they LOST to the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant ever? The guy who said the word "dicespin" with a straight face?

Anyway, at least Julian has given us something hilarious to watch. Because game show fail videos are so me of the most popular videos on the Internet and now you can see why.

Check out more funny videos here!

Julian is the Worst Wheel of Fortune Contestant Ever

We found him, the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant ever. Julian from Indiana University is easily the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant in the history of Wheel of Fortune. This isn’t Jeopardy!, remember. This is the easier game show. But not for Julian.

His inability to pronounce Achilles cost him, wait for it, $1 million. Yes, a million dollars. Because he couldn’t pronounce the tendon at the back of his heel (or the mythological hero.) And it wasn’t because he couldn’t figure out the puzzle. Every square was turned around. He just had to read it. And then he failed.

Then he lost a car because he couldn’t figure out “The World’s Fastest Man” (he screwed up the ‘man’ part) and he thought “Decision” was going to be some word he pronounced “Dicespin”. Dicespin? C’mon Indiana University, you are a respected institution. What’s going on with your admissions process?

But the best part of the whole show? He won! Ha! How did that happen? And how do those other contestants feel now that they LOST to the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant ever? The guy who said the word “dicespin” with a straight face?

Anyway, at least Julian has given us something hilarious to watch. Because game show fail videos are so me of the most popular videos on the Internet and now you can see why.

Check out more funny videos here!

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