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How to Talk To Girls – A Survival Guide Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

Not sure how to talk to girls? Well, let this handy dandy chart help you in the fine art of speaking to the fairer sex. We're not being sexist here, (because we could show you a chart that also shows you how to talk to men, but it might be a little simpler) but there are ways of speaking to people that just steer the conversation in a much more, how do we say this, positive direction. As you can see in this how to talk to girls chart you can see that the first thing you say to someone has a lot of importance. It sets the tone for the conversation and will keep your better half either on your side or turn them against you. If you start your conversation off wit one of the red boxes, we're pretty sure she's going to get defensive immediately. And then no one wins and you spend the rest of your evening (or week) apologizing and making sure everything is OK. It's best if you start things off with a smile and a compliment. Or, even better yet, instead of a compliment, just pour her a glass of wine. Because wine is the ultimate compliment, and will take all the guesswork out of trying to figure out the right thing to say.

Now, that last option might get a little expensive over time because wine isn't cheap. But if you learn a few of the lighter colored box options (especially the yellow box examples) then you'll be able to keep your costs down. But always make sure you keep some wine handy just in case things take a turn for the worse!

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How to Talk To Girls – A Survival Guide

how to talk to girls

How to talk to girls – a survival guide for men.

Not sure how to talk to girls? Well, let this handy dandy chart help you in the fine art of speaking to the fairer sex. We’re not being sexist here, (because we could show you a chart that also shows you how to talk to men, but it might be a little simpler) but there are ways of speaking to people that just steer the conversation in a much more, how do we say this, positive direction. As you can see in this how to talk to girls chart you can see that the first thing you say to someone has a lot of importance. It sets the tone for the conversation and will keep your better half either on your side or turn them against you. If you start your conversation off wit one of the red boxes, we’re pretty sure she’s going to get defensive immediately. And then no one wins and you spend the rest of your evening (or week) apologizing and making sure everything is OK. It’s best if you start things off with a smile and a compliment. Or, even better yet, instead of a compliment, just pour her a glass of wine. Because wine is the ultimate compliment, and will take all the guesswork out of trying to figure out the right thing to say.

Now, that last option might get a little expensive over time because wine isn’t cheap. But if you learn a few of the lighter colored box options (especially the yellow box examples) then you’ll be able to keep your costs down. But always make sure you keep some wine handy just in case things take a turn for the worse!

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