It might sound cruel, but photos of people (or animals) getting hit in the face are pretty funny. Now I know what you’re going to say….”Dose of Funny, that’s just mean! What if those people got hurt?!” Well we’re here to tell you that nobody in these photos of people getting hit got hurt, and while we don’t know that for a fact we’re going to say it really loud and sternly like “What are you talking about! Of course they DIDN’T!” Mmmmk? Check out these photos of people getting hit in the face, below, and laugh knowing that you are
Hilarious Photos of People Accidently Getting Hit in the Face

It might sound cruel, but photos of people (or animals) getting hit in the face are pretty funny. Now I know what you’re going to say….”Dose of Funny, that’s just mean! What if those people got hurt?!” Well we’re here to tell you that nobody …