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Hilarious HelloFlo First Moon Party Video Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

No. This isn't a joke. This hilarious HelloFlo First Moon Party video is actually a commercial for the company, and we love it. What a brilliant marketing plan!

If you're not familiar with HelloFlo, they're a company that is a monthly delivery for women of everything they need for their period. Yes, all those tampons, pads, and other items that all your husbands out there have to pick up for us from time to time. This company delivers them right to your doorstep so you don't have to both.

This HelloFlo First Moon Party video is a great way to get the company name out there. And while it's slightly cheesy (it's supposed to be!) it brings humor to a not-so-funny time of the month.

Also, for you newbies out there...if you've never heard of a First Moon Party, it's what some people throw when their daughter gets their period for the first time. Crazy? Yes. But it also makes for great fodder for a company trying to get their name out there.

In this HelloFlo First Moon Party video, a daughter lies about getting her first period so she can impress her friends. But when her mom gets wind of her not telling the truth, she decides to throw her daughter her very own First Moon Party to help her celebrate. After that, hilarity ensues as she has games such as "pin the period" and "bob for ovaries," which grandpa apparently really enjoys playing. It's a must-watch video, and must-share video if you can related to period humor.


Hilarious HelloFlo First Moon Party Video

No. This isn’t a joke. This hilarious HelloFlo First Moon Party video is actually a commercial for the company, and we love it. What a brilliant marketing plan!

If you’re not familiar with HelloFlo, they’re a company that is a monthly delivery for women of everything they need for their period. Yes, all those tampons, pads, and other items that all your husbands out there have to pick up for us from time to time. This company delivers them right to your doorstep so you don’t have to both.

This HelloFlo First Moon Party video is a great way to get the company name out there. And while it’s slightly cheesy (it’s supposed to be!) it brings humor to a not-so-funny time of the month.

Also, for you newbies out there…if you’ve never heard of a First Moon Party, it’s what some people throw when their daughter gets their period for the first time. Crazy? Yes. But it also makes for great fodder for a company trying to get their name out there.

In this HelloFlo First Moon Party video, a daughter lies about getting her first period so she can impress her friends. But when her mom gets wind of her not telling the truth, she decides to throw her daughter her very own First Moon Party to help her celebrate. After that, hilarity ensues as she has games such as “pin the period” and “bob for ovaries,” which grandpa apparently really enjoys playing. It’s a must-watch video, and must-share video if you can related to period humor.


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