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Hey Cat: This is What Owning A Cat Is Like Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This Hey Cat video is exactly what it's like to own a cat. Or, this is what it sounds like when you own a cat. After a while you stop hearing the "meows" and you basically just start hearing someone yell "hey" at you over and over again when they want something.

And don't get us wrong. We here at Dose of Funny really love cats. Like, love love cats. They are the best. They are totally hilarious all the time. Even when they are just lying there sleeping they are pretty funny. But this video, which is clearly someone doing a voice over of a cat's meow is so true that you have to laugh even though you know it's a joke video. We love the Hey Cat.

I think this cat's owner felt the same way about his cat that a lot of other cat owners feel so he decided to take this video of his cat meowing over and over again and dubbed his voice over with mindless, "hey"s, hence the name Hey Cat. And what's so funny about this video is that the dubbed voice is so repetitive and monotonous. All cats do this. And if cats could talk I assume they would totally sound like this when they wanted to bother you for some food.

Hey! Check out more funny videos here!

Hey Cat: This is What Owning A Cat Is Like

This Hey Cat video is exactly what it’s like to own a cat. Or, this is what it sounds like when you own a cat. After a while you stop hearing the “meows” and you basically just start hearing someone yell “hey” at you over and over again when they want something.

And don’t get us wrong. We here at Dose of Funny really love cats. Like, love love cats. They are the best. They are totally hilarious all the time. Even when they are just lying there sleeping they are pretty funny. But this video, which is clearly someone doing a voice over of a cat’s meow is so true that you have to laugh even though you know it’s a joke video. We love the Hey Cat.

I think this cat’s owner felt the same way about his cat that a lot of other cat owners feel so he decided to take this video of his cat meowing over and over again and dubbed his voice over with mindless, “hey”s, hence the name Hey Cat. And what’s so funny about this video is that the dubbed voice is so repetitive and monotonous. All cats do this. And if cats could talk I assume they would totally sound like this when they wanted to bother you for some food.

Hey! Check out more funny videos here!

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