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These Grandmas Just Smoked Pot for the First Time Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

Grandmas smoking pot might be the best thing to come from the Internet in the past decade. In fact, we're starting a petition for more people to film grandmas smoking pot. Why? Because you can get gems such as these:

"I don't feel as high to me as they look to me."

"You need more. Oh, you need more."

"Put your whole face over that."

"I can feel some tingle in my brain"

"I feel like I'm smiling"

"I didn't know you could use all your hands"

"I thought it was a dildo"

"My muscles seem not as tight"

"I totally just lost track about what you were talking about"

"I think I really inhaled a lot"

There's something so innocent and amazing about this video of grandmas smoking pot. They've learned so many life lessons already at this point that it's nice to see them just sort of kick back and play cards and shoot the shit while still being grandmas...and high ones at that.

Watch this video of grandmas smoking pot and let us know what you think. You might not be able to share it with your grandma, but you should at least call her today to say hi. They like that!


These Grandmas Just Smoked Pot for the First Time

Grandmas smoking pot might be the best thing to come from the Internet in the past decade. In fact, we’re starting a petition for more people to film grandmas smoking pot. Why? Because you can get gems such as these:

“I don’t feel as high to me as they look to me.”

“You need more. Oh, you need more.”

“Put your whole face over that.”

“I can feel some tingle in my brain”

“I feel like I’m smiling”

“I didn’t know you could use all your hands”

“I thought it was a dildo”

“My muscles seem not as tight”

“I totally just lost track about what you were talking about”

“I think I really inhaled a lot”

There’s something so innocent and amazing about this video of grandmas smoking pot. They’ve learned so many life lessons already at this point that it’s nice to see them just sort of kick back and play cards and shoot the shit while still being grandmas…and high ones at that.

Watch this video of grandmas smoking pot and let us know what you think. You might not be able to share it with your grandma, but you should at least call her today to say hi. They like that!


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