These George Washington memes truly make us chuckle. And I say chuckle because I imagine that is the type of word those folks used back then, so I'm not going to be embarrassed by it. Not one bit!
Whoever came up with these George Washington memes is hilarious. In case you're not familiar with them, a new trend is to take old paintings (or images of paintings) of George Washington and put modern-day language and phrasing over them. It's a "If George Washington Paintings Could Talk," trend...I don't know why these George Washington memes in particular work so well but they do, and this batch has gone viral!
There's something so funny about taking a popular historical figure and working him into present day. Those paintings are so dramatic that using worthless, every day phrases with them just makes them that much more hysterical. We're hooked and want to see more!
I guess it would work for all past presidents, such as Lincoln or Roosevelt, but there's something much more funny to us about good ol' George Washington. He's the OG of Presidents as far we're concerned, and these funny George Washington memes prove it. We really hope to see more of these George Washington memesĀ as soon as possible!
If George Washington Paintings Could Talk…

These George Washington memes truly make us chuckle. And I say chuckle because I imagine that is the type of word those folks used back then, so I'm not going to be embarrassed by it. Not one bit!
Whoever came up with these George Washington memes is hilarious. In case you're not familiar with them, a new trend is to take old paintings (or images of paintings) of George Washington and put modern-day language and phrasing over them. It's a "If George Washington Paintings Could Talk," trend...I don't know why these George Washington memes in particular work so well but they do, and this batch has gone viral!
There's something so funny about taking a popular historical figure and working him into present day. Those paintings are so dramatic that using worthless, every day phrases with them just makes them that much more hysterical. We're hooked and want to see more!
I guess it would work for all past presidents, such as Lincoln or Roosevelt, but there's something much more funny to us about good ol' George Washington. He's the OG of Presidents as far we're concerned, and these funny George Washington memes prove it. We really hope to see more of these George Washington memesĀ as soon as possible!