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George Carlin Stand Up – Fat People Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

George Carlin stand up is in the comedy hall of fame. In fact, he could have built the comedy hall of fame. Perhaps no other stand up, aside from Richard Pryor has had more of an impact on the social ills of society and America than the simple words of George Carlin stand up.

This routine is some classic Carlin. He breaks down how we have taken a once beautiful land and turned it into shopping malls, strip malls and gas stations. In classic Carlin prose he rattles off ill after ill with pinpoint precision but his list is not just a list for list's sake. He's making a point. And that point is we built all this stuff so Americans could buy stuff and eat stuff because that is clearly our favorite thing to do since we are all so fat. We'd even buy fried raccoon a**holes if they sold them. We love things jumbo because we've become these big fat jumbo people. We are huge piles of redundant protoplasm.

When you see how big these people are, you begin to wonder how these people take a crap. Or better yet, wipe their butt. And you have to wonder the last time these guys have seen their private parts. And given their weight, they would need to be in Cirque du Soleil to achieve penetration if they wanted to fornicate. And he's right. We've become a terrifying society and George Carlin knew it. Instead of textbooks and quizzes, schools should start teaching George Carlin stand up to every grade. We'd solve our education problem overnight.

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George Carlin Stand Up – Fat People

George Carlin stand up is in the comedy hall of fame. In fact, he could have built the comedy hall of fame. Perhaps no other stand up, aside from Richard Pryor has had more of an impact on the social ills of society and America than the simple words of George Carlin stand up.

This routine is some classic Carlin. He breaks down how we have taken a once beautiful land and turned it into shopping malls, strip malls and gas stations. In classic Carlin prose he rattles off ill after ill with pinpoint precision but his list is not just a list for list’s sake. He’s making a point. And that point is we built all this stuff so Americans could buy stuff and eat stuff because that is clearly our favorite thing to do since we are all so fat. We’d even buy fried raccoon a**holes if they sold them. We love things jumbo because we’ve become these big fat jumbo people. We are huge piles of redundant protoplasm.

When you see how big these people are, you begin to wonder how these people take a crap. Or better yet, wipe their butt. And you have to wonder the last time these guys have seen their private parts. And given their weight, they would need to be in Cirque du Soleil to achieve penetration if they wanted to fornicate. And he’s right. We’ve become a terrifying society and George Carlin knew it. Instead of textbooks and quizzes, schools should start teaching George Carlin stand up to every grade. We’d solve our education problem overnight.


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