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George Carlin Comedy – You Have No Rights Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This clip of George Carlin comedy is so sad it's true...and funny. As Americans we like our rights. We talk about them all the time. We're proud of them, we brag about them and use them to look down on other people from other countries that supposedly have fewer rights than us.

So, this George Carlin comedy clip focuses on rights. Where do our rights come from? Who gave them to us? God, is the usual answer, so George takes a look at our Bill of Rights and figures out that God may have made a mistake or two because he forgot about a little thing called Slavery, which doesn't seem to be super good for the rights of slaves.

And different countries have different rights. We have 13 rights according to the BIll of Rights. the British have 15. And Germany has 29. So why would God give a different number of rights to different people? And if you want to learn about your rights, do some research of Japanese Americans in 1942. These people did nothing wrong, but they were thrown into internment camps just because their parents were born in the wrong country. Basically what we have are privileges. Which can be taken away at any time for any need.

Then George makes a case for having unlimited rights, which doesn't sound so great. But this George Carlin comedy clip is classic Carlin.

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George Carlin Comedy – You Have No Rights

This clip of George Carlin comedy is so sad it’s true…and funny. As Americans we like our rights. We talk about them all the time. We’re proud of them, we brag about them and use them to look down on other people from other countries that supposedly have fewer rights than us.

So, this George Carlin comedy clip focuses on rights. Where do our rights come from? Who gave them to us? God, is the usual answer, so George takes a look at our Bill of Rights and figures out that God may have made a mistake or two because he forgot about a little thing called Slavery, which doesn’t seem to be super good for the rights of slaves.

And different countries have different rights. We have 13 rights according to the BIll of Rights. the British have 15. And Germany has 29. So why would God give a different number of rights to different people? And if you want to learn about your rights, do some research of Japanese Americans in 1942. These people did nothing wrong, but they were thrown into internment camps just because their parents were born in the wrong country. Basically what we have are privileges. Which can be taken away at any time for any need.

Then George makes a case for having unlimited rights, which doesn’t sound so great. But this George Carlin comedy clip is classic Carlin.


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