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Funny Video of Epic Dog Ball Fail Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This is what's called a dog ball fail. Some dogs are great at catching balls. Some can catch Frisbees, tennis balls, wiffle balls, rubber balls, whatever. This dog, who's name is Max, not so much. But you have to give it to him for trying because this dog gets a lot of air even if it did totally whiff at the ball and then land on his side (pretty hard, I might add.)

The slow motion move of this tells us that (while it adds it to the hilarity of this video) the pup is just fine. His owner is clearly concerned about him, but how many times have you seen a dog eat it hard only to pop up and be just fine. His owner wouldn't post this and add the slow motion if he wasn't fine after this. So don't worry about laughing at this. But maybe you should worry about this dog's future at playing fetch. He's in a tough spot. If he keeps practicing his ball-catching skills, he may get himself really hurt, but if he doesn't practice his ball-catching skills he will get himself hurt the next time someone lobs a tennis ball his way and he will pull off another epic dog ball fail. Oh, the trials and tribulations of being a dog.

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Funny Video of Epic Dog Ball Fail

This is what’s called a dog ball fail. Some dogs are great at catching balls. Some can catch Frisbees, tennis balls, wiffle balls, rubber balls, whatever. This dog, who’s name is Max, not so much. But you have to give it to him for trying because this dog gets a lot of air even if it did totally whiff at the ball and then land on his side (pretty hard, I might add.)

The slow motion move of this tells us that (while it adds it to the hilarity of this video) the pup is just fine. His owner is clearly concerned about him, but how many times have you seen a dog eat it hard only to pop up and be just fine. His owner wouldn’t post this and add the slow motion if he wasn’t fine after this. So don’t worry about laughing at this. But maybe you should worry about this dog’s future at playing fetch. He’s in a tough spot. If he keeps practicing his ball-catching skills, he may get himself really hurt, but if he doesn’t practice his ball-catching skills he will get himself hurt the next time someone lobs a tennis ball his way and he will pull off another epic dog ball fail. Oh, the trials and tribulations of being a dog.

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