These funny toilet paper holders are a sight to be seen...and hopefully not smell!
From parrots to maids and butlers and giraffe's, it seems people love a funny toilet paper holder. And really, who can blame them?
While most of these funny toilet paper holders are more for show, it seems like some people really do use them (or can). We're guessing they're better off in a guest bathroom where other people can enjoy them more than you. And who wouldn't? I would love to go to a party and use the bathroom only to find a frog holding his nose while I did my business. Or what about a Batman figurine holding a roll of toilet paper? Or a weird horse or two that look like they have no idea what a toilet paper holder is (or toilet paper for that matter).
Even though these funny toilet paper holders are super weird, we kind of like them. They seem like something you would buy from that Sky Mall catalogue on an airplane. Practical yet funny and will always make a funny conversation starter when you're with your friends. Hopefully they have a sense of humor! Whoever invented these certainly does!
Funny Toilet Paper Holders

These funny toilet paper holders are a sight to be seen...and hopefully not smell!
From parrots to maids and butlers and giraffe's, it seems people love a funny toilet paper holder. And really, who can blame them?
While most of these funny toilet paper holders are more for show, it seems like some people really do use them (or can). We're guessing they're better off in a guest bathroom where other people can enjoy them more than you. And who wouldn't? I would love to go to a party and use the bathroom only to find a frog holding his nose while I did my business. Or what about a Batman figurine holding a roll of toilet paper? Or a weird horse or two that look like they have no idea what a toilet paper holder is (or toilet paper for that matter).
Even though these funny toilet paper holders are super weird, we kind of like them. They seem like something you would buy from that Sky Mall catalogue on an airplane. Practical yet funny and will always make a funny conversation starter when you're with your friends. Hopefully they have a sense of humor! Whoever invented these certainly does!
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