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Funny Pope Joke: Who’s Driving? Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Jokes
Funny Pope Joke: The Pope Visits LA

So the Pope arrives in LA for a cross-country tour, and the driver picks him up at the airport. After a few days together and a few stops, the driver and the pope start to get along.

One morning, the pope sleeps through his alarms, and they're 30 minutes late getting on the road to the next stop. The pope is a bit frantic, telling the driver to go faster, but eventually, the driver explains that if he goes any faster, he might lose his license. "Fine, then I'll drive! What're they gonna do, arrest me?"

So they trade spots, the pope taking the wheel and the driver getting into the back of the limo. 120 miles an hour down the road, and they get pulled over. The cop strolls up to the car, taps on the window, and the pope rolls it down, license and registration in hand. The cop sees who it is, apologizes profusely, and sends them on their way.

The next day, the cop's out drinking with friends, and says "so guess who I pulled over the other day?" "I don't know, a politician? Celebrity? Who?" "Actually, I don't know either. It was a big limo though, and he had the POPE driving him!"

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Funny Pope Joke: Who’s Driving?

Funny Pope Joke: The Pope Visits LA

So the Pope arrives in LA for a cross-country tour, and the driver picks him up at the airport. After a few days together and a few stops, the driver and the pope start to get along.

One morning, the pope sleeps through his alarms, and they’re 30 minutes late getting on the road to the next stop. The pope is a bit frantic, telling the driver to go faster, but eventually, the driver explains that if he goes any faster, he might lose his license. “Fine, then I’ll drive! What’re they gonna do, arrest me?”

So they trade spots, the pope taking the wheel and the driver getting into the back of the limo. 120 miles an hour down the road, and they get pulled over. The cop strolls up to the car, taps on the window, and the pope rolls it down, license and registration in hand. The cop sees who it is, apologizes profusely, and sends them on their way.

The next day, the cop’s out drinking with friends, and says “so guess who I pulled over the other day?” “I don’t know, a politician? Celebrity? Who?” “Actually, I don’t know either. It was a big limo though, and he had the POPE driving him!”

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