These funny Rodney Dangerfield quotes are just a few of the comedian’s best lines from his stand-up routine that spanned over 20 years. Rodney Dangerfield was one of the best comedians of our time, leaving his mark on the stage with jokes that stand the test of time. Chances are you’ve heard a few of these funny Rodney Dangerfield quotes before, and if you haven’t you’re in for a real treat. What few people know about Rodney Dangerfield is that his comedy club, Dangerfield’s, is still open in New York City, and has helped launch the careers of comedians such
Funny Pictures
Funny Pictures
These funny and inspirational Bill Cosby quotes will have you both laughing and thinking at the same time. As you probably know Bill Cosby has had one of the most storied and respected careers in not only stand up comedy, but in sitcoms as well (not so much movies, let’s be honest.) But the man has lived a long, long time and he has experienced both the highs and lows of life. From creating one of the most important TV sitcoms in history with The Cosby Show, which is still one of the biggest TV shows of all time, to
18 Funny and Inspirational Bill Cosby Quotes

Awkward Mother’s Day Cards. Most moms have gotten them at one point in their life. And they can happen at any age. They can happen when you have a toddler who is just learning how to spell and he writes something completely inappropriate, or they can happen when you have a grown child who is financially dependent on you and somehow is not embarrassed to say it. Awkward Mother’s Day Cards can happen to the best of us. This collection of Awkward Mother’s Day Cards might make you laugh or cry. The best ones are typically the ones done by
Awkward Mother’s Day Cards

You know how sometimes when you’re walking down the street you see someone who looks like your real-life doppelganger and you totally do a double-take? Wait, that never happens to you? These 16 people found their real-life doppelgangers and managed to take a picture with them or, in some cases, the photo or video of them. Some of the real-life doppelgangers are commercial actors, a dorm roomate, or someone you saw on the Internet that looked just like you but he had a bald cat on top of his head. Weird? Yes. But also true. While people often compare themselves to celebrities,
These Real-Life Doppelgangers Will Blow Your Mind

Funny fortune cookies are always a surprise, especially when you open one and they deliver a fortune that is so hilarious you wonder if Chris Rock wrote it. In our house, there’s always a fight over who gets which fortune cookie, and if we knew there were funny fortune cookies like the ones in this gallery, there would definitely be a brawl. You gotta wonder who writes these things? Is there an older man in a fortune cookie factory in the middle of America making himself chuckle with these clever sayings? Or are funny fortune cookies like the surprising ones found here
Hilarious Fortune Cookies

Optical illusions can mess with your mind and make you think you’re seeing things that aren’t there. That’s what is so cool about most of them. This collection of pictures and gifs will feel like P90x for your brain. There are three types of optical illusions: literal, physiological, and cognitive. Ambiguous illusions are pictures or objects that elicit a perceptual “switch” between the alternative interpretations. The man’s face is also an example of one. Physiological illusions are the pictures that appear to be moving. These are caused by bright colors leaving what’s called an “afterimage” in your brain. The optical illusions pictured
17 Optical Illusions You Have to See to Believe

Parents can be so clever. Take this mom who created the You Got Grounded game for her child. How nice of her! In order for the kid to get ungrounded, they have to perform a series of chores that add up to 500 points. They can clean out the microwave for 40 points, sweep and mop the kitchen floor for 25 points, do one load of laundry for 100 points (mom must really want that), or write a nice letter to someone in the family for 10 points. We’re really liking the sound of this You Got Grounded game! Imagine all the
Kids Like Games, Right?

There are hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands, of Louis CK quotes that could qualify for a list of the greatest Louis CK quotes. So we boiled it down to the 22 greatest Louis CK quotes that exist in the universe. Could we have doubled or tripled this> Sure, but let’s be honest, we only have so much time. Click on Louis’ name to check out even more Louis CK awesomeness from videos to photos to bios. One of the greatest Louis CK quotes in this list has to be the simplest: Everything is amazing and nobody’s happy. This quotes
The 22 Greatest Louis CK Quotes

Good news fat guys, this skinny guys vs fat guys comic is just what you need to see to tell yourself everything you need to hear. The next time someone tells you to lose all that weight, you should just pull up this comic and have them read it and weep. Not only are you more fun in bed, but you are more fun to cuddle with, you don’t have bony fingers and when playtime is over, you don’t just lie there, you bring snacks! So keep it up fat guys. Screw the health problems, hypertension and all the other
Skinny Guys Vs Fat Guys

These top 15 funniest prom proposals – or promposals as they are called – are kind of impossible to say no to. You have to hand it to these kids who have decided not to mail it in when it comes to asking their significant other, or plain old crush to the prom. We’re not sure how many of these funniest prom proposals were successful, but it would be a crime if it wasn’t 100% of them. I know high school is a tough place where the cliques and the bullies are brutal, but c’mon, how could you say no
The Top 15 Funniest Prom Proposals

Today’s funny pictures are kind of awesome. Well, everyday’s funny pictures are kind of awesome, so I guess I say that a lot. But today’s are especially great. Between the guy who got fired for accidentally wearing his Winnie the Pooh mascot costume pants backwards to Black Sabbath getting a little naughty, it has it all. A few favorites are the Will Ferrell meme that tells the truth about how many “bless you’s” you get for each sneeze (if you sneeze five times you’re not getting another bless you, FYI), a very stupid Luke Skywalker, the Northern “jerk off” contest,
Irish Girls Love Sun

These George Carlin quotes in pictures show us that George Carlin wasn’t just a comedian, but he was a social critic who observed all the things we were doing wrong and showed us how ridiculous we are. All the little things we take for granted and assume we turned on his head and show back at us. He wasn’t just a comedian, he was a truth teller. He had no filter or patience for bull*** and he liked to point it out any chance he got. Everything from religion to the government to morality to stuff to what dogs do