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Funny Pictures

10 Hilarous Cats on Dogs Pictures Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

These cats on dogs photos are too much to handle. If you grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons, you were taught that cats and dogs were mortal enemies. While Tom and Jerry was about a cat and mouse, the dog showed up in that cartoon quite a bit to take his anger out on Tom. Usually because Jerry rigged it so the dog showed up right at the moment Tom was about to finally get to Jerry. But this gallery of cats on dogs tells a totally different story. These guys are clearly friends. And not just acquaintances, these cats

10 Hilarous Cats on Dogs Pictures

These cats on dogs photos are too much to handle. If you grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons, you were taught that cats and dogs were mortal enemies. While Tom and Jerry was about a cat and mouse, the dog showed up in that cartoon …
The 50 Best Comedies Ever Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures ,,,,

These are the 50 best comedies ever. This is one man’s opinion, but I watch a lot of movies and I love comedies. Feel free to disagree and tell me what I forgot in the comments. 50. Wet Hot American Summer (2001) It seems like WHAS is on almost every underrated comedy list that has ever appeared on the Internet. We say it deserves to get off the underrated list and make best comedies ever list here. If you haven’t seen it, go see it now. It’s hilarious. 49. CB4 (1993) If there’s one blank spot on Chris Rock’s resume it’s a lack

The 50 Best Comedies Ever

These are the 50 best comedies ever. This is one man’s opinion, but I watch a lot of movies and I love comedies. Feel free to disagree and tell me what I forgot in the comments. 50. Wet Hot American Summer (2001) It seems like WHAS …
Hilarious Irish Yoga Pictures Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

Irish yoga is the classic yoga move where you get so drunk that you pass out in some crazy yoga-style position. Whether you passed out on a park bench and your legs somehow end up bent behind your back and or somehow behind the bench while the rest of your body is in front of it, Irish yoga is not for the novice. You really need to work up to become a true yogi-level Irish yoga instructor. Now, we do not recommend attempting any of this Irish yoga at home. Mostly because it seems that to start any Irish Yoga

Hilarious Irish Yoga Pictures

Irish yoga is the classic yoga move where you get so drunk that you pass out in some crazy yoga-style position. Whether you passed out on a park bench and your legs somehow end up bent behind your back and or somehow behind the bench …
How to Talk To Girls – A Survival Guide Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

Not sure how to talk to girls? Well, let this handy dandy chart help you in the fine art of speaking to the fairer sex. We’re not being sexist here, (because we could show you a chart that also shows you how to talk to men, but it might be a little simpler) but there are ways of speaking to people that just steer the conversation in a much more, how do we say this, positive direction. As you can see in this how to talk to girls chart you can see that the first thing you say to someone

How to Talk To Girls – A Survival Guide

Not sure how to talk to girls? Well, let this handy dandy chart help you in the fine art of speaking to the fairer sex. We’re not being sexist here, (because we could show you a chart that also shows you how to talk to …
The Dog in Hammock and Other Funny Animals Stuck Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

The classic dog in hammock photo is one of my favorite photos on the Internet. Not only does the look on the dog’s face really say it all (Uh Oh), it’s funny because we all know that feeling. But luckily the dog in hammock photo isn’t the only photo out there that tells the same story. There are tons of other funny photos of animals stuck in hilarious (but very safe) situations. We put together this gallery of funny animals stuck photos (leading off with the classic dog in hammock photo, of course.) And it has everything from a cat

The Dog in Hammock and Other Funny Animals Stuck

The classic dog in hammock photo is one of my favorite photos on the Internet. Not only does the look on the dog’s face really say it all (Uh Oh), it’s funny because we all know that feeling. But luckily the dog in hammock photo …
15 Pun Husky Meme Jokes are Insanely Cute Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

The pun husky meme is one of the best memes to be created in the last year. It’s simple, it takes three photos of an adorable husky pup who is playing with his little husky toy (who actually sort of looks like this little guy) that look like this little guy is telling a joke. The first is him talking, then the second photo is the punch line, and the last photo is the kicker of the little husky pup laughing at the joke he just told. Once you see it, you’ll know why the hilariously cute pun husky meme

15 Pun Husky Meme Jokes are Insanely Cute

The pun husky meme is one of the best memes to be created in the last year. It’s simple, it takes three photos of an adorable husky pup who is playing with his little husky toy (who actually sort of looks like this little guy) …
20 Hilarious Dogs With Eyebrows Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

There are few things funnier to look at than dogs with eyebrows. I’m not sure what it is that adding something so simple as a couple of well drawn, or posted eyebrows to a dog’s face that completely changes their expressions. Dogs can go from happy to sad to intrigued to casual to hopeful with just the quick addition of a couple of well-place eyebrows. I’m not sure who’s idea it was to stick a couple of eyebrows on their dog, but whoever it was is a genius. And before you start to get concerned, none of the dogs in

20 Hilarious Dogs With Eyebrows

There are few things funnier to look at than dogs with eyebrows. I’m not sure what it is that adding something so simple as a couple of well drawn, or posted eyebrows to a dog’s face that completely changes their expressions. Dogs can go from …
17 Funniest Office Pranks Ever Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

These 17 funniest office pranks ever will make you rethink the way you look at your cubicle. Instead of seeing the cage that keeps you from nine to five (and usually beyond) each weekday, you can now look at this as an opportunity to take out some fun frustration out on your fellow cubicle mates. Now, before you start to fill your neighbor’s four little walls with Cheetos, you may want to check with your boss first to get approval. You may even want to check with HR because there have been a few stories out there of people who

17 Funniest Office Pranks Ever

These 17 funniest office pranks ever will make you rethink the way you look at your cubicle. Instead of seeing the cage that keeps you from nine to five (and usually beyond) each weekday, you can now look at this as an opportunity to take …
10 Signs It’s Too Hot Outside Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

This gallery of hilarious photos show you what happens when you see signs it’s too how outside. With drought across most of the country and temperatures hitting the triple digits already this year (didn’t we just get done dealing with a bunch of blizzards a week or so ago? What happened to spring?) I’m afraid we have a lot of these photos to look forward to as we hit the dog days of summer. And then the dog days of fall, since there only seems to be summer and winter now. I’m not sure if we’ll ever get a fall or

10 Signs It’s Too Hot Outside

This gallery of hilarious photos show you what happens when you see signs it’s too how outside. With drought across most of the country and temperatures hitting the triple digits already this year (didn’t we just get done dealing with a bunch of blizzards a week …
The Best Cat Photobombs Ever Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures ,

Once you see these cat photobombs, you might switch from being a dog person to a cat person. This might be the best cat photobombs collection of all time. These cats are stealthy, and watching them sneak their way into baby photos, girls’ night out, and selfies is one of the best things ever. I mean, who doesn’t love a photobombing cat? I honestly think, after looking at these cat photobombs, that cats might have way more personality than dogs. I mean, some of them even act human. I wish I had a cat so I could get them to

The Best Cat Photobombs Ever

Once you see these cat photobombs, you might switch from being a dog person to a cat person. This might be the best cat photobombs collection of all time. These cats are stealthy, and watching them sneak their way into baby photos, girls’ night out, …
Dumb Laws Still On the Books in the United States Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures Quotes

Laws are, for the most part, there to protect us as a society. But what about all those dumb laws out there that are STILL on the books, and nobody knows why (or how)? In case you’ve ever wondered what a dumb law looks like, we’ve compiled a list of state’s DUMBEST laws for your satisfaction. And if you happen to live in in one of the states that these dumb laws exist in, don’t say we never warned you! Behold, a look at the weirdest laws you might ever see. Click through and enjoy their craziness! In Alabama

Dumb Laws Still On the Books in the United States

In Arizona, a decree declares that anyone caught stealing soap must wash himself with it until it is all used up.
Cute and Funny Animal Firsts Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

We’re used to seeing baby’s firsts, but what about cute and funny animal firsts? Is there anything better than capturing hilarious animal moments? These cute and funny animal firsts are downright adorable. These photos show the pure joy and exhilaration that dogs, cats, bears, and even monkeys can show us. Being able to share those cute and funny animal firsts with our furry friends is one of the best treats in life. This collection of animal firsts below might be some of the best we’ve ever seen. From puppy’s first snow day and a bear’s first tree climb to a corgi’s

Cute and Funny Animal Firsts

We’re used to seeing baby’s firsts, but what about cute and funny animal firsts? Is there anything better than capturing hilarious animal moments? These cute and funny animal firsts are downright adorable. These photos show the pure joy and exhilaration that dogs, cats, bears, and …