We are going to need more cheese and a giant tub of olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.
Funny Pictures
Funny Pictures
Everyone wants to come over for a swim, but they insist on peeing in the pool. Keeping your Pool clean is no laughing matter, but your Pool Sign can be.
Funny Pool Sign: Welcome to our OOL and L
You’d think one of them would’ve seen it
Two blondes walk into a building
Blonde finishing her puzzle
a golden retriever
What do you call a smart blonde?
Could you call the elevator for me?
File this under “Oh, SNAP!” A husband recently took to Google + to post an amazing hotel review for a hotel that his wife allegedly used for an affair with her boss. According to Huffington Post, the husband posted the following hotel review after he discovered a charge from the hotel, which also listed both of the guests names. And, spoiler alert, his name wasn’t on there. The awesome text to the full hotel review is below: “Wife and her boss enjoyed their room together so much that she stayed in bed with him until almost checkout. “They were well rested
This Is the Best Hotel Review Ever

You know that saying, “That’s what friends are for?” Well, one guy recently did the ultimate deed for his best friend…whether he liked it or not. We would have paid good money to see the expression on the cheating ex’s face when she got these Facebook messages. We bet it was priceless. Click here for more Amazing Texts from Exes.
Text to a Cheating Ex is Perfect

Advertising agencies have one job to do, and that’s to put out an ad that makes sense and isn’t a total fail! If they did their jobs we wouldn’t have to call them out for their humiliating work in these photoshop fails, now would we? Somebody must have been sleeping on the job when they created these ads. From lost belly buttons, fake crowds, double foreheads and totally wrong skin colors, these photoshop fails should have gotten somebody fired. We love how obviously screwed up all of these ads are. It’s like a blind person photoshopped each and every one
Funny Photoshop Fails

We love us some perfectly timed photos, and these perfectly timed dog photos are even better. These pet owners managed to catch their dogs in juuuuuust the right spot for a classic, perfectly timed photo. There’s the photo where the dog licked his owner’s face and it looked like her lips. There’s several where the dog is lying in front of his owner so it looks like they’re half dog/half human. There’s the photo with a dog and frisbee. And then there’s the classic photo where it looks like a human has a dog face (or dog hands, or feet…you get
23 Perfectly Timed Dog Photos

Who needs lawyers jokes when their names are funny enough on their own? These funny law firm names are both hilarious and unfortunate. And believe it or not we think they’re all real. From Ditcher, Quick, and Hyde, Butt Solicitors, Gay and Gay, Butts and Butts, and so many Eggers we’re not sure what’s going on…these funny law firm names are kind of insane. You would think if you’re an educated lawyer you would look at what happens when one or two partners put their names together. If it’s something that can be deemed weird, funny, wrong, or means something
Funny Law Firm Names

We’ve all been caught in a less-than-awesome moment while we’re either walking down the sidewalk or driving in our car, but these funny Google street view photos really take the cake. The people captured in these funny Google street view pics are caught in some rather compromising positions…literally and figuratively. There’s a handful of oddly naked people as well as people picking their noses, wearing masks for no reason (except we can only assume to rob the Google street view car) as well as people puking and tripping and falling. Who knew Google street view photos could be so funny? Take
Funny Google Street View Sightings