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Funny Louis CK Video On Being White Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This funny Louis CK video on being white is why he is the current reigning king of comedy. The essence of Louis CK's comedy is his truth. And while race and race relations are a touchy subject in society, Louis has a way of talking about it that completely disarms the audience, while satirizing the societal issues surrounding the horrible things that happen to minorities not only in America but around the world.

Louis' main point in this bit about being white is that it is a great thing to be white. Not that white people are better, but it's just better to BE white. You have much more opportunity, much more everything. And if he could reup every year he would choose "white" every single time. At any point in history, being white would be his number one choice. At any point, if he had a time machine he could go back being white and everything would be just fine.

But, on the other hand, he would not going into the future because white people are going to pay for what they are doing now. White people won't just go from #1 to #2, once they fall everyone else if going to hold them down for a long time. Let's face it, every Louis CK video is a funny Louis CK video, but this is one of his most funniest.

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Funny Louis CK Video On Being White

This funny Louis CK video on being white is why he is the current reigning king of comedy. The essence of Louis CK’s comedy is his truth. And while race and race relations are a touchy subject in society, Louis has a way of talking about it that completely disarms the audience, while satirizing the societal issues surrounding the horrible things that happen to minorities not only in America but around the world.

Louis’ main point in this bit about being white is that it is a great thing to be white. Not that white people are better, but it’s just better to BE white. You have much more opportunity, much more everything. And if he could reup every year he would choose “white” every single time. At any point in history, being white would be his number one choice. At any point, if he had a time machine he could go back being white and everything would be just fine.

But, on the other hand, he would not going into the future because white people are going to pay for what they are doing now. White people won’t just go from #1 to #2, once they fall everyone else if going to hold them down for a long time. Let’s face it, every Louis CK video is a funny Louis CK video, but this is one of his most funniest.

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