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Funny Grounds for Divorce Joke Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Jokes
Funny Grounds for Divorce Joke:

A woman says to her lawyer "I want to divorce my husband."

"On what grounds?"

"Grounds? We have two acres at the edge of town with a big lawn and some fruit trees."

"No, that's not what I meant. Do you have a grudge?"

"Yes, we have a two car garage but only one car so we use the rest for storage."

The lawyer is getting exasperated, "Does he beat you up?"

"No, I'm up by 6:30 and sometimes he doesn't get up until after I've left for work."


"We just can't seem to communicate."

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Funny Grounds for Divorce Joke

Funny Grounds for Divorce Joke:

A woman says to her lawyer “I want to divorce my husband.”

“On what grounds?”

“Grounds? We have two acres at the edge of town with a big lawn and some fruit trees.”

“No, that’s not what I meant. Do you have a grudge?”

“Yes, we have a two car garage but only one car so we use the rest for storage.”

The lawyer is getting exasperated, “Does he beat you up?”

“No, I’m up by 6:30 and sometimes he doesn’t get up until after I’ve left for work.”


“We just can’t seem to communicate.”

Check out more funny jokes here!

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