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Fed Ex Driver Learns Importance of Parking Break Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

There's been a lot of delivery driver fails going around, but this Fed Ex driver fail may take the cake. It starts out with just a few dogs jumping up and down on each other and then a Fed Ex Driver pulls up and drives past the camera's view. For the moment. The dogs give away that something isn't right when they start freaking out and then it all becomes clear. The Fed Ex driver, who was parked on a slight incline, got out of his van and tried to make a delivery. But he forgot one minor detail: the parking break.

The next thing you see is a bumbling Fed Ex Driver chasing after a free-rolling Fed Ex van with the door open and no one in the driver's seat. The car doesn't hit another car but one lucky tree is able to take the door off while the Fed Ex driver makes a bit of an ass of himself dropping something while he chases after the van, runs back to pick it up and then continue to chase after his van which is long gone through some woods and into someone's backyard by then.

We're not sure if this is something that will cost this guy his job, but if it does, we know he might be able to make a living making Youtube videos.

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Fed Ex Driver Learns Importance of Parking Break

There’s been a lot of delivery driver fails going around, but this Fed Ex driver fail may take the cake. It starts out with just a few dogs jumping up and down on each other and then a Fed Ex Driver pulls up and drives past the camera’s view. For the moment. The dogs give away that something isn’t right when they start freaking out and then it all becomes clear. The Fed Ex driver, who was parked on a slight incline, got out of his van and tried to make a delivery. But he forgot one minor detail: the parking break.

The next thing you see is a bumbling Fed Ex Driver chasing after a free-rolling Fed Ex van with the door open and no one in the driver’s seat. The car doesn’t hit another car but one lucky tree is able to take the door off while the Fed Ex driver makes a bit of an ass of himself dropping something while he chases after the van, runs back to pick it up and then continue to chase after his van which is long gone through some woods and into someone’s backyard by then.

We’re not sure if this is something that will cost this guy his job, but if it does, we know he might be able to make a living making Youtube videos.

Check out more funny videos!

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