Advertising agencies have one job to do, and that’s to put out an ad that makes sense and isn’t a total fail! If they did their jobs we wouldn’t have to call them out for their humiliating work in these photoshop fails, now would we? Somebody must have been sleeping on the job when they created these ads. From lost belly buttons, fake crowds, double foreheads and totally wrong skin colors, these photoshop fails should have gotten somebody fired. We love how obviously screwed up all of these ads are. It’s like a blind person photoshopped each and every one
Advertising agencies have one job to do, and that’s to put out an ad that makes sense and isn’t a total fail! If they did their jobs we wouldn’t have to call them out for their humiliating work in these photoshop fails, now would we? …
Thanksgiving fails are way more common than you think. That’s because most of the 911 calls on Thanksgiving come from people who have attempted to do the elusive deep fry on their turkey…and guess what? It almost never ends well! Also, I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a deep fried turkey and it tastes pretty much the same as a regular turkey, except you don’t have those pesky ol’ fire hazards. While deep fried turkey accidents are in this Thanksgiving fails gallery, there are also some very well-done turkeys that it turns out are pretty fun to look at.
Thanksgiving fails are way more common than you think. That’s because most of the 911 calls on Thanksgiving come from people who have attempted to do the elusive deep fry on their turkey…and guess what? It almost never ends well! Also, I don’t know about …
Do you ever ask yourself “What could go wrong” before doing something that you know is incredibly stupid? Well if you do, you’re not alone. We’re guessing all the people in this gallery asked themselves “what could go wrong” before they set up these stupid ideas. All you want to ask these people is….really? Do you really think it’s a good idea to tape duct something to the top of a car? Or have a liquor store and gun shop combined? Or what about setting up your DJ equipment in a pool of water? Or dangling your friend out the
Do you ever ask yourself “What could go wrong” before doing something that you know is incredibly stupid? Well if you do, you’re not alone. We’re guessing all the people in this gallery asked themselves “what could go wrong” before they set up these stupid …
You know a greeting card fail when you see one, and these 16 examples definitely qualify. We won’t call out any greeting card manufacturer in particular (we would NEVER do that, right?!), but some of these are just downright weird, not to mention inappropriate. Now granted, a lot of these greeting card fails are a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the other ones? You know which ones you are. You guys are just crazy, man. Take a look at these greeting card fails and prepare to have a good laugh. Some of them
You know a greeting card fail when you see one, and these 16 examples definitely qualify. We won’t call out any greeting card manufacturer in particular (we would NEVER do that, right?!), but some of these are just downright weird, not to mention inappropriate. Now …
Summer isn’t summer without a few slip n’ slide fails, is it? We don’t think so! This hilarious video of slip n’ slide fails will have you slip n’ sliding on the floor from laughter. I mean, some of these are utterly amazing, we can’t believe they were caught on film. Thankfully nobody was hurt in the making of these slip n’ slide fails, except maybe for a few bruised egos. There’s nothing worse than putting on your bathing suit and gearing up to take the slide of your life when you totally trip and fall and have to slide
Summer isn’t summer without a few slip n’ slide fails, is it? We don’t think so! This hilarious video of slip n’ slide fails will have you slip n’ sliding on the floor from laughter. I mean, some of these are utterly amazing, we can’t …