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Eddie Murphy’s First Appearance on Johnny Carson Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

It's not often you get to see a comedy superstar before they're huge, but this video clip of Eddie Murphy doing his first appearance on the Johnny Carson show does just that. What's really interesting about this video clip is that it's a rare scene where early Eddie Murphy has to work totally clean. Juxtaposed to his earlier work in Raw and Delirious, where he works very blue and uses every curse word under the son, this is young Eddie doing his comedy routine on national television where he could use no four letter words. Instead of talking about cave bitches who want half, Eddie talks about buying suits from a catalog, and it's still hilarious because Eddie Murphy is one of the funniest human beings to ever walk the planet.

It's fun to see some of these earlier video clips of Eddie Murphy. And Johnny Carson, for that matter. It was a different time, but you can see how Eddie's comedy mind works. The first thing he says when he walks out to applause is "shut up." That is classic Eddie Murphy who owned each and every stage he walked out on. And let's be honest, for a black guy to walk out on the biggest stage on TV and say that in the early 80s showed what kind of awesome balls Eddie had. And that's what made him the greatest of all time.
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Eddie Murphy’s First Appearance on Johnny Carson

It’s not often you get to see a comedy superstar before they’re huge, but this video clip of Eddie Murphy doing his first appearance on the Johnny Carson show does just that. What’s really interesting about this video clip is that it’s a rare scene where early Eddie Murphy has to work totally clean. Juxtaposed to his earlier work in Raw and Delirious, where he works very blue and uses every curse word under the son, this is young Eddie doing his comedy routine on national television where he could use no four letter words. Instead of talking about cave bitches who want half, Eddie talks about buying suits from a catalog, and it’s still hilarious because Eddie Murphy is one of the funniest human beings to ever walk the planet.

It’s fun to see some of these earlier video clips of Eddie Murphy. And Johnny Carson, for that matter. It was a different time, but you can see how Eddie’s comedy mind works. The first thing he says when he walks out to applause is “shut up.” That is classic Eddie Murphy who owned each and every stage he walked out on. And let’s be honest, for a black guy to walk out on the biggest stage on TV and say that in the early 80s showed what kind of awesome balls Eddie had. And that’s what made him the greatest of all time.

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