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Eddie Murphy’s Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor Bit Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,,

Eddie Murphy's Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor impression clip from Eddie Murphy's classic Raw video are so funny they are unreal. If you haven't seen this, you have to. It is almost the perfect comedy bit because Eddie's impersonation of Bill Cosby is so spot on (as is his impersonation of Richard Pryor), but it also is Eddie's explanation of the cultural and generational differences between two of the most iconic African American comedians of our time. And of all time, actually.

The bit is about how Bill Cosby called Eddie Murphy to tell him that he's too dirty. Bill's son went to see Eddie Murphy's show and came back shell shocked and made it seem like all Eddie did was come out and swear and say every four letter word and tell people to suck his d*** and then walked off the stage. So Bill Cosby called Eddie Murphy and told him the long-winded story that finally got to the point about how Eddie shouldn't come out and say "filth flarn filth filth flarn" in front of the people. And Eddie is like, "I don't say filth flarn filth filth, I don't know what you're talking about." And BIll says "You know what I'm talking about" you can't say....F***. And Bill says it! All the while Eddie Murphy's Bill Cosby impersonation is so spot on. Unbelievably so that it shows how amazing Eddie Murphy's stand up is.

So Eddie calls Richard Pryor who has the reaction you'd expect from Richard Pryor. He asks if people laugh when Eddie Murphy does his stand up. And Eddie says yes. So Richard says, "Well, tell Bill to have a Coke and a shut the f** up." Which is the classic line from this bit. You also have to remember that Bill Cosby was doing Coke commercials at the time that Eddie Murphy's Raw came out. Watch Eddie Murphy's Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor impersonation right now if you haven't seen it.

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Eddie Murphy’s Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor Bit

Eddie Murphy’s Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor impression clip from Eddie Murphy’s classic Raw video are so funny they are unreal. If you haven’t seen this, you have to. It is almost the perfect comedy bit because Eddie’s impersonation of Bill Cosby is so spot on (as is his impersonation of Richard Pryor), but it also is Eddie’s explanation of the cultural and generational differences between two of the most iconic African American comedians of our time. And of all time, actually.

The bit is about how Bill Cosby called Eddie Murphy to tell him that he’s too dirty. Bill’s son went to see Eddie Murphy’s show and came back shell shocked and made it seem like all Eddie did was come out and swear and say every four letter word and tell people to suck his d*** and then walked off the stage. So Bill Cosby called Eddie Murphy and told him the long-winded story that finally got to the point about how Eddie shouldn’t come out and say “filth flarn filth filth flarn” in front of the people. And Eddie is like, “I don’t say filth flarn filth filth, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” And BIll says “You know what I’m talking about” you can’t say….F***. And Bill says it! All the while Eddie Murphy’s Bill Cosby impersonation is so spot on. Unbelievably so that it shows how amazing Eddie Murphy’s stand up is.

So Eddie calls Richard Pryor who has the reaction you’d expect from Richard Pryor. He asks if people laugh when Eddie Murphy does his stand up. And Eddie says yes. So Richard says, “Well, tell Bill to have a Coke and a shut the f** up.” Which is the classic line from this bit. You also have to remember that Bill Cosby was doing Coke commercials at the time that Eddie Murphy’s Raw came out. Watch Eddie Murphy’s Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor impersonation right now if you haven’t seen it.

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